標題: 銷售人員幫助行為分類之研究–以台灣網通設備產業為例
A Typology of Salespeople Helping Behavior – A Case of Networking Equipment Industry in Taiwan
作者: 郭哲銘
Che-Ming Kuo
Chia-Chi Chang
關鍵字: 銷售人員幫助行為;分類;SHB;Salespeople Helping Behavior;Typology
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 本研究目的在運用深度訪談的技巧,來收集和分類台灣網通設備產業的銷售人員幫助行為。研究結果將銷售人員幫助行為分為與工作無關的私人幫助和與工作有關的額外服務。與工作無關的幫助可再細分為訊息分享、休閒活動、滿足未表明的需要、送禮和其他。與工作有關的幫助則分為出差行程協助、定單相關協助、提供市場情報、形象強化和客戶工作的協助。 除了幫助行為的分類外,研究結果也發現銷售人員幫助行為的主要動機在於生意上的利益,也證實了銷售人員幫助行為與銷售人員的工作有正向的關係。最後,本研究也顯示出工作有關的幫助比工作無關的幫助對銷售人員的工作有比較大的影響。
In this study, in-depth interviews are conducted to collect and categorize the salespeople helping behavior (SHB) in the networking equipment industry in Taiwan. In the results of the study, the SHB is divided into Job-unrelated personal favor and Job-related extra-role service. Job-unrelated personal favor is sub-categorized into Information Sharing, Leisure Activities, Fulfillment of Implicit Needs, Gift Giving, and Others. Job- related extra-role service includes Assistance of Business Trips, Order-related Assistance, Market Information Provision, Impression Enhancement, and Assistance with Customer’s own Job. Besides, the business benefits are found to be the major motivation of SHB. The relationship between SHB and business is positively associated. Finally, the study also shows that the job-related SHB gives more influence on business than the job-unrelated SHB.


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