標題: 業務幫助行為之分類—以壽險業者為例
A Typology of Salespeople Helping Behavior—A Case of the Life Insurance Industry
作者: 鄭佩瑜
Chia-Chi Chang
關鍵字: 超出職責之外的服務;業務幫助行為;開放式訪談;Extra-role Services;Sales Helping Behavior;Open-ended Interview
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 本研究主要探討業務人員不計回報、額外提供給客戶的服務,目的是收集此類針對顧客所提供超出職責之外的服務,此範疇之服務稱為「業務幫助行為」,透過與三十位壽險業務人員進行深度及開放式訪談,並經由質性研究分析之過程,彙整成為業務幫助行為之分類表,將業務幫助行為分為八大類別,分別是特殊技能的協助、保險專業服務、送禮、社交活動、資訊分享、情感上的支持、人脈協助、及其他,詳細內容及具體案例則列於本文中。 本研究的分析結果希望能提供日後學者關於業務幫助行為與績效、顧客關係管理之量化研究參考,也希望提供業務主管日後訓練規劃的方向,及藉由具體業務幫助行為的整理,提供給業務新人明確的服務指標。
This research probed into the extra-role services provided by salespeople played towards customers regardless of reciprocation. The purpose was to collect the kind of extra services salespeople provided to customers and form a typology, labeled as Salespeople Helping Behavior. Through in-depth and open-ended interviews with thirty life insurance salespeople and a qualitative research method, a typology of Salespeople Helping Behavior was developed in this study. This typology included eight categories: assistance of insurance-unrelated specialty, insurance-related services, gift giving, social activities, information sharing, emotional support, networking assistance, and others. An elaboration of this typology was expressed in the content. The findings could serve as groundwork for further developing theory and quantitative research concerning the relationship between SHB, performance and customer relationship management. This study also provided suggestions to sales managers about training programs and provided concrete sales patterns for novices.


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