標題: 企業對企業商業領域當中業務人員的幫助行為類型:以業務人員以及客戶的觀點分析
A typology of Salespeople Helping Behavior in the B2B Context: perspectives from both salespeople and customers
作者: 郭瑞卿
關鍵字: B2B業務人員;業務人員幫助行為;B2B幫助行為類型;質性研究;B2B salesperson;salespeople helping behavior;a typology of helping behavior;qualitative research
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 摘要 台灣的IT產業環境當中與客戶的關係,不再像是過去一樣的銀貨兩訖,而是,形成了與客戶之間發展成的生命共同體,也就是上下游供應廠彼此商緊密的整合在一起,共同生存。台灣產業的特色是先從商業對商業(B2B)開始,而B2B的企業對於企業的領域當中,企業的活動除了為了營利所需的業務目標之外,業務人員必須突破賣方利益的侷限,做更進一步提升買賣雙方關係的努力,以建立雙方長久的交易關係。本研究主要探討銷售人員除了一般的薪資水準以及獎金之外,在沒有報酬、沒有其它的補償之下,銷售人員無條件的對他們的客戶付出額外的心力,進而提供客戶幫助的行為。本研究提出在B2B之下複雜的交易活動當中,建立一套有系統的類型,幫助釐清業務人員所有的幫助行為的構面有哪些。 本研究使用質性研究為主要的研究方法,並採取深度訪談的手法,為這領域的缺乏的文獻,注入第一手的資料。研究分析的結果能提供未來經營業務管理者對於業務行為有更近一步的理解,運用它來注入公司的組織文化當中,為公司帶來無可取代的核心價值。並且期許業務人員幫助行為受到公司的矚目,適切的運用來招募、教育訓練業務人員。並進一步的運用到顧客關係建立的內部訓練課程,以建立超級的業務團隊。
The relationship between sellers and buyers no longer involves just a financial exchange. Taiwan’s business transactions are evolving from a cooperative one to one which is a closely integrated community in order to cater to market demands. Thus, complex business activities concerning interpersonal factors are involved. We know that almost all the industries in Taiwan were originally formed as business-to-business settings. Salespeople in this area play a critical role not only to reach the sales target but also to break through shortsighted objectives in order to establish long-term relationships with their customers. This study primarily discusses how salespeople in business-to-business sales settings go the “extra-mile” to assist their customers to establish a good relationship. Moreover, this study also proposes a typology of salesperson helping behavior in order to establish a systematic research of SHB. The Qualitative research is used as the methodology in this study. Additionally, in-depth interviews are used to acquire first-hand information concerning SHB. The results show that there are four different categories of SHB and each one has its own importance in the connection with customers. Finally, this study also suggests that sales managers pay attention to SHB for their recruiting and/or training of salespeople for the purpose of being top salespeople.


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