Title: 亞胺基鉭錯合物之合成和低壓化學氣相沉積氮化鉭薄膜與薄膜擴散阻抗層的研究
Chemical Vapor Deposition of Tantalum Nitride Diffusion arrier for Copper Metallization
Authors: 蔡重恩
Chung - En Tsai
Hsin - Tien Chiu
Keywords: 亞胺基 氮化鉭 化學氣相沉積法;imido Tantalum Nitride CVD
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 本實驗以 TaCl5 為起始物,分別與 Me3SiNHR(R=tBu,iPr,nPr)試劑反應, 合成出 (RN=)TaCl3Py2 之固體亞胺基鉭錯合物.之後以 LiNEt2與此錯合 物反應,得到液體之(RN=)Ta(NEt2)3 錯合物.我們以 (tBuN=) Ta(NEt2)3 為單源前驅物,經 CVD 法沉積 TaNxCyOz 之薄膜,並以 WDS, ESCA,AES, SEM,TEM,AFM 及四點探針法求薄膜的電阻係數.反應所生成之氣體產物經 GC-MS 和 RGA 鑑定為 H2,CH4,H2C=CHCH3,(CH3)2C=CH2, CH3CN,EtN= CHCH3,HNEt2.最後利用此 TaN 薄膜進行 Cu 與 Si 之擴散阻抗測試.並於 淺接面之 n+/p 及 p+/n diode 上先沉積 CVD-TaN 後再沉積 Cu ,經真空 退火 30 分鐘,測其漏電流值. The imido complexes Ta(=NR)Cl3Py2 and Ta(=NR)(NEt2)3 (R=tBu, iPr,nPr) were successful synthesized .Ta(=NBu)(NEt2)3 was used as a single-source precursor to deposition thin films on Si, SiO2/Si,in a low-pressure chemical vapor deposition reactor.De- position experiments were carried out at 450℃-650℃ while the precursor was vaporized at 40℃.The films were characterized by SEM,WDS,AES,ESCA,TEM,AFM.Volatile products were indentified by GC-MS and RGA.A layer of Cu was deposition on the TaN thin films obtained in the experiment.Four-point probe method ,RBS, SEM,TEM and SIMS studies all indicated that interdiffusionetween the Cu atoms and the Si atoms of the substrates effectively blocked to temperatures below 550℃ by this layer of TaN
Appears in Collections:Thesis