標題: 身心靈健康生活雜誌品牌忠誠度之研究-以禪天下雜誌為例
A Study on Brand Loyalty about Healthy Life Magazine of Body,Heart and Spirit-A Case Study on Magazine for Zen Cosmos
作者: 梁靜蕙
Prof. Cherng G. Ding
關鍵字: 禪天下雜誌;品牌忠誠度;購買型態;市場結構;產品屬性;品牌形象;Zen Cosmos;brand loyalty;purchase styles;market structures;product attributes;brand image
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 調查顯示,亞洲人承受的壓力程度以台灣、香港民眾為最,他們所承受的壓力排名,分別為第一跟第二位。壓力的來源,除了工作之外,財務、經濟及家庭責任都是原因。而有些人面對壓力,並沒有採取任何紓解措施,這可能導致各種健康問題。故身體健康和心靈、環境健康密不可分,長庚生物科技董事長楊定一曾說過,從心做起,才能徹底帶動全身健康,健康是需要身心靈三合一。 台灣在加入WTO後,雜誌市場不但更為開放,競爭也更為激烈。各家廠商紛紛採取各種行銷策略,最終目的就是期望能抓住消費者的心,讓顧客願意花錢購買產品,因此對於廠商而言,必須建立且維持消費者之品牌忠誠度,使其產品在競爭激烈的產業中永續生存。 本研究之目的,期望能夠了解身心靈健康生活雜誌市場中,消費者品牌忠誠度之概況,並探討影響禪天下雜誌品牌忠誠度的因素。進而提供禪天下雜誌業者在實務上之建議。 本研究以購買禪天下雜誌之消費者為研究對象,先區分成高、低品牌忠誠族群,再分別探討「人口統計變數」、「購買型態」、「市場結構」、「產品屬性」與「品牌形象」是否對消費者品牌忠誠度造成影響。本研究有效樣本數總計為189份,並利用複迴歸分析,來作變數之間的關係探討。 研究結果顯示: 一、在人口統計變數中,高品牌忠誠族群之性別會顯著影響消費者之品牌忠誠度。 二、在購買型態中,高品牌忠誠族群之購買頻率會顯著影響消費者之品牌忠誠度;低品牌忠誠族群之意見參考人數會顯著影響消費者之品牌忠誠度。 三、在市場結構中,高、低品牌忠誠族群之分配銷售通路會顯著影響消費者之品牌忠誠度。 四、在產品屬性中,高品牌忠誠族群之內容符合切身需要、新知識的介紹及傳播流行趨勢訊息會顯著影響消費者之品牌忠誠度;低品牌忠誠族群之印刷精美、新知識的介紹及文筆流暢,內容生動會顯著影響消費者之品牌忠誠度。 五、在品牌形象中,高品牌忠誠族群之象徵性品牌形象和經驗性品牌形象會顯著影響消費者之品牌忠誠度,且與品牌忠誠度之間呈現正向關係;低品牌忠誠族群之功能性品牌形象會顯著影響消費者之品牌忠誠度,且與品牌忠誠度之間呈現正向關係。
The investigations show that Taiwanese and Hong Kong people take the most pressure in Asia. Their ranks are the first and the second. The sources of the pressure are the financial affairs, the economy and the family duties besides the jobs. But some people face these pressures and didn’t take any relaxed measures may lead to any kinds of health problems. Therefore, the body health related with the heart and the spirit health closely. The Chang Geng Biotechnology chairman, Ding-yi Yang, said that the heart can push forward the whole health thoroughly; the heart must combines with the body, the heart and the spirit. From Taiwan join to WTO, the magazine markets are more open and the competitions are more violent. Every industry takes any kinds of marketing methods to expect to hold the consumers’ heart and lead the consumers to buy their products. Therefore, the industries must establish and hold the consumer brand loyalty and make their products to exist continuously in the keen competitions. The purposes of the study expect to understand the situations of customer brand loyalty in the market of body, heart and spirit health life magazine, and probe the factors that affect the brand loyalty of the Zen Cosmos magazine. And it proceeds to provides the administrative advices for the Zen Cosmos magazine business. The objects of study are the customers of the Zen Cosmos magazine, the first step is separate them into high brand loyalty group and low brand loyalty group, and proceeds to probe whether population statistics variables, purchase styles, market structures, product attributes and brand image may affect the brand loyalty. The study collected 189 valid questionnaires. Regression analysis was adopted to verify the hypotheses. The results of the study are as follows: 1. Among population statistics variables, in high brand loyalty group, gender significantly influences consumer brand loyalty. 2. Among purchase styles, in high brand loyalty group, purchase frequency significantly influence consumer brand loyalty, and in low brand loyalty group, the number of opinion participants significantly influence consumer brand loyalty. 3. Among market structures, in high and low brand loyalty groups; marketing routes significantly influence consumer brand loyalty. 4.Among product characteristics, in high brand loyalty group, the contents of personal concern, introduced new knowledge and spread popular and trend messages significantly influence consumer brand loyalty. And in low brand loyalty group, exquisite printing, introduced new knowledge and fluent writing and lively contents significantly influence consumer brand loyalty. 5. Among brand image, in high brand loyalty group, symbolic brand image and experiential brand image significantly influence consumer brand loyalty. The relationship between symbolic brand image, experiential brand image and brand loyalty is positive. And in low brand loyalty group, functional brand image significantly influence consumer brand loyalty. The relationship between functional brand image and brand loyalty is positive.
Appears in Collections:Thesis