標題: 專屬外包工廠短期產能規劃之模擬研究─以某跨國企業代理商為例
Simulate Study of Capacity Planning in the Private Outsourcing Plant: A Case of the Transnational Business Agency
作者: 黃宣穎
Shuan-Yin Huang
Dr. Pao-Long Chang
關鍵字: 短期產能規劃;模擬;外包;供應鏈管理;改善策略;績效;Short-term capacity planning;Simulation;Outsourcing;Supply chain management;Improve strategy;Performance
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 本論文以某全球性跨國企業在台灣之代理商專屬外包工廠作為實證個案研究對象,以模擬方法在需求面與供給面上作產能最佳規劃研究。在研究的前置作業上,本論文不論在定義專有名詞與研究方法上均瀏覽過去相關的文獻與書籍,以期對研究的推演邏輯上有更嚴謹的陳述。 在進行產能規劃的模擬設計上,本研究依照歷史資料先描述各產品之產銷配適度問題,之後分成兩個面向加以分析討論。在需求面上,本研究利用實際訪談代理商所獲得之各產品歷史需求量訂單資料,確定模擬期間每日之訂單需求量。 在供給面方面,本研究實際訪談外包廠以獲得各產品歷史產能資料,之後利用程式語言所建構之模擬程式模擬代工廠的生產模式,本研究將三種改善策略(加班、外包、延遲隔日生產)導入生產模擬模式中,並模擬出導入改善策略後各種生產模式所對應之最小總成本,模擬週期為180天。 最後本研究假設兩種外包批量折扣成本範圍以及各品項加班時數限制,model1~model12共12種模式,重複模擬三種改善策略生產比例作推估,找出各種模擬情境下之最適三種改善策略比例,並求得改善缺乏產能下之最小總生產成本。
Research shows that an empirical study on the outsourcing plant of the transnational business agency in Taiwan. An optimization approach to Capacity through simulation is used on the demand and supply aspects. Before simulating, surveying some forecast guidance and references to avoid bias. First, the study describes the question between capacity and marketing based on the history data. On the demand, collecting the data of the history of the agency in order to make sure the daily demand around simulate dates .Second, on the supply, using PC language to develop the product model of the outsourcing plant and try to apply three kinds of improving strategies into simulation. Overall, simulating and finding the probabilities of three kinds of improving strategies in 180 days. From the simulate results, we could find the best probabilities of three kinds of improving strategies of the minimized total cost under 12 models of the controlling simulated hypotheses.