標題: “虛擬社區”內的傳播之研究:以交通大學資科系BBS站為例
A Study on the Communication on Virtual Communities: Based on CIS.BBS in NCTU
作者: 卜慶玲
關鍵字: 電腦網路;BBS站;傳播;Computer network;CIS.BBS;Communication
公開日期: 1994
摘要: 電腦網路的發展,校園網路盛行,電腦使用者能夠經過電腦網路輕易地從世界各地的電腦網路系統取得遠方的資訊或者其他的使用者溝通、交談、互動……等,至此,電腦已經不再是單純的電腦,而是以傳播媒體的姿態出現,這種視電腦為傳播的工具(communication tools),亦即是所謂的CMC(Computer-Mediated Comunication)。
本研究以交通大學資訊科學系的BBS及其使用者為研究的對象,目的在於探討及了解Virtual Community這種新傳播媒體的潛力。本研究採用文獻探討及參與觀察、電腦直接記錄和Email問卷調查等方法進行研究。CMC科技所帶來不只是多了一傳播工具,其更深遠的影響在於其所創造出的virtual community。在virtual community內,每個居民都有表達意見的自主性,不再像以往一般只是訊息的接收者,每個人都可以是訊息的發遞者,因此,電腦網路成為另類媒介,提供了一新的社會基點。媒介使用方式的改變,也會逐漸地改變人類思考的方式,改變了人類互動的模式。
BBS是最佳的互動式系統之一,它允許使用者經由電腦網路,直接或間接地和其他的使用者”接觸”,而這也成為其特性之一。BBS儼然成為這個校園中的最大媒體,CIS.BBS所表現出的是一種另類媒介,它成就了另一類的virtual community, CIS.BBS所建構的virtual community並非是一與真實世界完全隔離的非真實世界,它提供空間讓使用者進入另一種非真實的社區中,沉浸於網路真實之中,成為現實生活與cyberspace的橋樑,同時,它也傳遞了現實生活中各種訊息,成為訊息的來源,這是個可讓使用者同時享有真實與網路真實之處。
Due to the development of computer network, the popular of campus network, users can access in formation from remote computer systems, or communicate with other users through the computer network.Computer is no more a computing machine but a communication tool, and it is so called CMC(Computer-Mediated Communication).
The object of this study is the CIS.BBS and it's users. The purpose of this study is to understand the potential of the new communication tool. The impact of CMC is not only as new communication tool, but the virtual community which is constructed by using CMC. In a virtual community, people can be the sender of a message but not the receiver just before. Therefore, computer network becomes an alternative media.
BBS is one of best interaction system. it allows users to interact with other users via computer network, directly or indirectly,.BBS seems to be the most powerful media in NCTU. CIS.BBS creates another kind of virtual community which is not completely separate from the real world. I provides a "space" for user to enter a non-real world, to enjoy the reality of computer network. Meanwhile, it transmits all the information in real world, it becomes an information provider. It's a place users can both have real reality and computer network reality.
We found that the virtual community which is constructed by CIS.BBS is different from other virtual communities. It combines the real life and cyberspace. Users do not separate from the real world by entering the CIS.BBS's virtual community,but connect with the real world tightly.