Title: 玻璃纖維水泥複合材料之基本力學性質研究
Primary Mechanical Properties of Glass-Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites
Authors: 趙悠舜
Jaw, Yu-Shun
Peng Yaw-Nan
Keywords: 玻璃纖維;力學性質;乾縮;glass fiber;mechanical properties;drying shrinkage
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 本文內容主要為以三種纖維長度、纖維含量及水灰比作為變數,以
噴送法(Spray-up Method)製成玻璃纖維砂漿(GRC),探求玻璃纖維
以及對韌性行為之影響與乾縮應變之抑制情形。 豏“峞C
而有多孔性質而影響強度。 多孔性質而影響強度。
GRC材料較普通水泥砂漿有優異之韌性表現,纖維含量wf=5%之韌性 韌
性指數 介於68.9~98.9之間;隨著水灰比的降低,GRC之極限抗彎強 度
隨之提昇,但韌性有降低之趨勢。玻璃纖維對乾縮有抑制之效能, 制
In this paper, three kinds of fiber length, fiber content and
water/cement ratio were used as variables to mix glass-fiber
reinforced cement(GRC) by spray-up method. Then, Short-term
static loads(compressive ,tensile, bending and shear
strength)were applied to the specimen to investigate the
primary mechanical properties. The behavior of the
toughness and the drying shrinkage were found. From
the results of the experiment, it is found that the best
strength increase as compare with plain mortar is 1.82~3.20
times for tensile strength , 2.14~3.30 times for
bending strength , 1.27 ~1.48 times for compressive
strength , 1.33~1.45 times for shear strength. The
unit fiber content that produce highest tensile and
bending strength is 3%.Because of the fiber restrain effect,
compressive strength of the specimen would changed with the
loading direction. The specimen with longer fiber has
higher tensile and bending strength when the fiber content
is increased. However, specimens mixed with low w/c ratio ,
high fiber content and long fiber length, bad workability
will make the GRC material porous, which will reduce its
strength. GRC material has greater toughness than that
of the plain mortar. The toughness index measured is
between 68.9 to 98.9 when fiber content is 5%.With the decrease
of w/c ratio, the GRC material has higher bending strength, but
the toughness has a decreasing intent. The adding of glass
fiber can reduce the drying shrinkage of the GRC material, which
is more obvious with increase of time.
Appears in Collections:Thesis