Title: 鋼骨鋼筋混凝土耐震行為研究
Study on Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Columns
Authors: 徐中道
Hsu, Chung-Tao
Chen Cheng-Chih
Keywords: 鋼骨鋼筋混凝土;韌性;Steel Reinforced Concrete;Ductility
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 本研究主要的目的係藉由實驗的方式,模擬鋼骨鋼筋混凝土柱承受強 烈的地震作用,以探討其彎矩強度及行為.研究中共製作五組包覆型鋼骨鋼 筋混凝土柱,其中鋼骨採用國內較常使用的十字型與 H 型兩種斷面型式, 以比較兩者之圍束效果對韌性能力的影響.箍筋間距亦為參數之一,以了解 箍筋間距不同時,於鋼骨鋼筋混凝土柱行為上的差異.實驗的進行乃以力量 控制的方式施加垂直荷重,並以位移控制的方式施加反覆的水平荷重. 由試驗的結果顯示:對於鋼骨鋼筋混凝土柱而言,箍筋間距較密者具有較佳 之韌性能力;而當箍筋間距相同時,十字型的鋼骨斷面型式其韌性能力較 H 型的鋼骨斷面型式佳.此外若韌性需求相同時,鋼骨斷面為十字型的鋼骨鋼 筋混凝土柱之箍筋間距,可比 H 型的鋼骨斷面為大.同時發現試體在彈性 行為時,鋼骨及鋼筋對韌性能力之貢獻大致相同,但超過彈性範圍時,鋼骨 所提供的韌性較鋼筋為大.各規範對於鋼骨鋼筋混凝土柱之撓曲彎矩強度 值皆趨於保守. The major aim of the research is in an experiment to simulate the steelreinforced concrete columns bearing some violent earthquakes in order to examine their moment capacity and seismic behavior.We totally produce fivesets of steel reinforced concrete columns,and the steels commonly adopted in our country are in both shapes of double H and H sections to compare the influence on their confine effects toward ductility capability as well as tounderstand the differences in the behavior of steel reinforced concrete columnswhen the tie spacing is not the same.In process of the experiment,we apply the force vertically by loading control and apply the force repeatedly in displacement control. The result of the experiment shows that as for the steel reinforced concrete columns,the closer the tie spacing is,the better the ductility capability is;however,when the tie spacing is the same,the ductility of thesteel section in a shape of double H is better than that in a shape of H.Besides,if the ductility is required similar,the tie spacing of the steelreinforced concrete columns in a shape of double H is larger than that in a shape of H. Meanwhile,we find that the ductility of steels and rebars isgenerally alike within the elastic range,but over the range, the ductility ofsteels is larger than rebars.Every code to the moment capacity value of thesteel reinforced concrete columns is under limitation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis