標題: 積體電路生產線上考慮缺陷群聚現象管制程序之研究
The Process Control Procedures for Clustered Defects in IC Fabrication
作者: 楊月美
Yang, Yue-Mei
唐麗英, 李威儀
Lee-Ing Tong, Wei-I Lee
關鍵字: 積體電路;群聚;波瓦松分配;缺點數管制圖;clustering;Poisson;c-chart
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 隨著積體電路晶圓面積的增加, 晶圓上的缺陷不再呈現隨機分佈而出 現群聚的現象, 使得以波瓦松分配為基礎的缺點數管制圖時常會出現假警 報o 然而目前文獻所提出的修正方法雖各有其優點, 但仍有需要改進的地 方o 本研究的目的是希望利用這些方法, 將其不合理之處予以修正, 另 提出一套適用於超大型積體電路生產線上考慮缺陷具群聚現象的管制程序 o 品管人員只要依尋此程序, 即可偵測出晶圓上的缺陷數是否有群聚現 象; 若有群聚現象, 則採取適當的缺陷數修正措施, 合理的修正缺陷數, 使缺陷數能再次符合波瓦松分配, 以建構出適當的缺陷數管制圖o 此外, 本研究也以積體電路生產線實際蒐集的資料, 比較傳統缺陷數管制圖, 已 提出之修正缺點數管制圖及本研究所提之缺點數管制圖, 以驗証本研究的 可行性及優越性o As the surface area of wafer of Integrated Circuit increases, the clusteringphenomenon of the defects becomes more apparent. However, the clustered defectsfrequently cause many false alarms when the conventional c-chart based on Poissondistribution for defects is used. In the thesis we propose a procedure which is capable of constructing defects control charts for processes that yield clustered defects. A case study is evaluated, indicating the proposed control charts are more effective than the control charts based on Poisson and Neyman Type-A distributions.