標題: 基地戰機操作與修護模擬模式之研究
The Study of Base Fighter Operation and Maintenance Simulation Model
作者: 吳嫈嫈
Wu, Ying-Ying
Li Rong-Kwei
關鍵字: 電腦模擬;戰機操作;戰機修護;Computer Simulation;Fighter Operation;Fighter Maintenance
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 現代武器系統昂貴複雜,從任務需求的訂定,到武器系統的分析、設 計、製造與服役,均會牽動國家整體資源,所以在一開始便要對全盤有所 適當評估。以傳統的解析方法,將無法勝任,因此本研究以電腦模擬的技 術與方法,試圖以一簡化模式與程序,模擬戰機的操作環境、系統需求及 修護資源的配置,以提供相關決策之參考。 本研究以現代戰機為對象 ,探討在既有的設計特性下,戰機可發揮之最大作戰潛能,以及當維修資 源受限時,如何調整有限資源,以維持作戰能力。在研究模式中將飛行前 檢查、任務出擊、飛行後檢查、定期維修與不定期維修視為一個操作與修 護循環,藉由操控飛行計劃、修護人力、支援裝備數量等項因素,探討其 與戰機的每日出擊架次、可用度、飛行時數之間的關係。本論文並且將模 擬結果進行迴歸分析,所建立的迴歸模式可提供基地編排任務、調配修護 資源之決策參考。 本研究模式係在個人電腦上採用SLAM II模擬語言 撰寫。 Modern weapon systems are expensive and complicated. Total resources areaffected from mission requirement definition , product design , analysis andmanufacture, to product deployment. This problem is hard to solve usingtraditional analytical methods. In this paper, we proposed a simplified modelalong with a simulation method to simulate operational environments, systemrequirements, and resources allocation to aid in decision-making. This paperfocuses on the existing design characteristics of modern fighters where theoptimum combat capability of a fighter incorporating logistic considerationscan adjust resource allocations to maxmize combat capability. This simulationmodel includes preflight, sortie, postflight,scheduled/unscheduled maintenanceactivities , and considers those activities as oneoperation and maintenancecycle. By controlling the flying schedule ,maintenance manpower and quantityof support equipments, this model studiesthe relationship between the abovecontrollable factors, and the output resultssuch as daily sortie rate ,availability, and flying hours. By using regression analysis of simulationresults, this model can support the decision- making process, to include basemission planning and resources allocation. The simulation model is constructedon personal computer using SLAM II simulation language.