標題: 數量方法在品質表應用之研究
Some studies on Quality Qable of QFD with Quantified Approach
作者: 林燈男
Lin, Deng Nan
Chin-yung Tai
關鍵字: 品質機能展開;品質表;數量化理論III;模糊數;QFD;quality table;quantified theory III;fuzzy number
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 品質機能展開是將顧客需求以適當方式轉換為產品特徵的一種規劃方 法.我們可藉由品質機能展開中之品質表將顧客需求較確切掌握. 本研 究應用數量方法於品質表,主要在針對品質表之階層結構及比重變換過程. 因此,本研究利用數量化理論III方法開發在階層結構組群一演算流程,以 模糊數替代明確數值求算品質要素權重. 論文中一實例來說明演算流 程.最後根據本研究結果顯示;在階層結構組群及歸類時,量數量化理論III 會較KJ法來的客觀.在比重變換時,以模糊理論為基礎方法之品質要素權重 表示方式,不同於明確數值表示方式,其以一範為為表示方式能確保使用者 能較正確選擇重要品質要素. QFD is planning methodology for translating customer needs into appropriate product feature.We can consider customer requirment by quality table of QFD. This research is to apply quantified approach in quality table.The objectof this research focus on hierarchical deployment and rating transformation. This research creat a group process of hierarchy by quantified theory IIIapproach,and fuzzy number replace crisp value to calculate final rating. For the demonstration purpose ,approach is applied to an example.according to the conclusion of this research ,it show that quantifiedtheory III approach is more objective than KJ approach when applyingto hierarchy. An approach based on fuzzy number some information different crisp approach and could help user to ensure the decision made in theselection would be more correct.
Appears in Collections:Thesis