Title: 以搖瓶振盪及小型發酵槽培養,探討培養基組成及物理化學因子,對於靈芝多醣生成及生長形態變化的影響
The effects of medium composition and operating conditions on the producton of extracellular polysaccharide by Ganoderma lucidumRZ and its morphological change in shake-flask and batchwise fermentatio
Authors: 游英欽
Yu, Ying chin
Chaster Ho
Keywords: 靈芝;多醣;搖瓶;發酵槽;菌絲體;類酵母菌;Ganoderma lucidum;polysaccharide;shake-flask;fermenter;mycellium;yeast-like
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 靈芝多醣能提高機體免疫功能,顯助增強腹腔巨噬細胞吞噬能力,促進
肝臟和骨髓核酸與蛋白質的生物合成,用於抗衰老治療慢性肝炎. 本
菌株為Ganoderma lucidumRZ.在搖瓶振盪培養中,我們探討了起始碳源濃
HCHN 及 HCLac 培養基,都有較高的產物比生成速率,含蛋白棟的氮源,有
萃取過後,也可以回收部份多醣. 在發酵槽培養的主要研究目的,為探
產多醣及菌體生長形態的影響.結果發現如下: 起始培養基 pH 值較高
的情形下,類酵母菌有較明顯的生長趨勢.在 pH 值維持在 4.5 的操作環
兩次批次發酵.含團塊菌絲的 pH 調控實驗中,菌體對於溶養量的需求,遠
大於沒有含團塊菌絲的無pH 調控.通入二養化碳所造成的酸性環境,會抑
The Production of extracellular by Ganoderma lucidumRZ
carried out in shake flasks as well as in batch submerged
fermentation was investigated in this study. In shake-flask
experiments,the target polysaccharide was accumulated
extracellularlyduring both the growth and stationary phases of
the microorganism. Medium HCHN and HCLac with high initial
glucose concentration resulted in high product concentration and
highspecific productivity.Using peptone as nitrogen source was
also shown advantageous for cell growth.After extracted by hot
water,some intracellular glucan could also be recovered.
During batch-wise fermentation cultivation,the yeast-like growth
dominated the culture at high pH values.Under the culture
condition of pH 4.5,the yeast-like growth was obviously
inhibited whereas pellet and mycellium dominated the culture.Our
results reveal that when pH was kept constant at 4.5,the largest
specific growth rat was obtained.In addition,its product
formation rate and the specific productivity were higher than
those of the other controlled cultures.In the experiment ith pH
control and pellet inoculation,the demand of dissolved oxygen
for cells was extremely larger than that in the uncontrolled
experiment.In our study,we also found that the acidic
environment caused by purging carbon dioxide would inhibit the
growth of the microorganism.
Appears in Collections:Thesis