標題: 高速公路意外事故車輛延滯時間之研究
A Study of The Traffic Delay Caused by Accidents on Freeway
作者: 徐道國
Hsu, Daw-Gwo
Yuan-Ching Hsu
關鍵字: 車流;延滯;衝擊波;traffic flow;delay;shock wave
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 高速公路意外事件為突發性的狀況,駕駛人並無法預知何時何地會發生 事故,一但交通事故發生,其造成的車流延滯將十分可觀,因此如何於意 外事故發生後,採取有效的管制策略,使意外事故的影響程度減至最小, 為事故處理之首要任務;當高速公路意外事故發生時,較常採取的策略有 匝道管制、主線速率控制、車道封閉、車輛改道行駛..等等。本研究以交 通衝擊波的理論,計算意外事故所造成的車流延滯時間,並以車流延滯時 間為標的,分析各種策略的效果;由分析的案例研究得知,流量的減少對 車流的延滯時間並不敏感,其效果有限;但反觀事故處理時間,其對車流 的延滯時間極度敏感,稍微的縮短事故處理時間,即可減低許多的車流延 滯,因此在事故發生後,必須快速的排除事故,而事故的處理的同時,亦 需實施各種管制策略,如此,才不會因意外事故而付出更多的社會成本。 Accidents accrued on freeway is hand to be expected by drivers, but its impact on traffic flow is very large. So the study of mitigating accidents impact on freeway is important. Various strategies of mitigating accidents impact could be adapted. Those commonly used include ramp metering, main lane speed control, lane close, driver cloture etc. This study uses the theory of traffic shock wave to establish the relationship between total delay and traffic flow volume and . Then the mitigation affects of various strategies and analyzed . The result shows that total delay is not sensitive to traffic flow volume, so the mitigating affect of flow control strategies are limited. But it is very sensitive to the time for accident treatment . A little shortening in time of accident treatment could reduce total delay significantly. From this, it is recommended that the time shortly or the efficiency of accident treatment should be paid more attention. Then the impact of accidents on traffic flow could be reduced, and lower social cost is paid.
Appears in Collections:Thesis