標題: 民用航空器試車場容量及設置之研究
A Study on Capacity and Location of Run-up Zone for Commercial Aircraft
作者: 陳世宏
Chen, Shih-Hung
Yuan-Ching Hsu
關鍵字: 試車;試車場;消音屋;折流牆;試車噪音;容量;run-up;run-up zone;hush house;deflector;run-up noise;capacity
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 機場為區域航空交通的重心,所有航空交通活動皆集中於此;近年來 ,隨著都會區的快速的發展,機場與附近居民之距離愈趨靠近,造成機場 營運作業所產生的副作用直接對附近居民產生嚴重之影響,其中,尤以噪 音最為嚴重。 論就機場噪音,除起降噪音外,屬航空器試車噪音最為 嚴重,本研究即針對設置試車場防制試車噪音之問題,提出在評估試車場 設置容量及設置位置時,可使用之評估方法及準則。 本研究利用系統 分析方法,分別對試車及試車場之概念、試車場設置容量、試車場之經濟 效益分析及試車噪音衝擊評估等四大項進行研究,並根據研究之結果訂定 以下三種評估方法與準則: 1.試車場容量之推估方法:供航管單位設置 試車場數量及研定試車場管 制方法之參考。 2.試車場經濟效益評估 準則:供航管單位評估試車場營運效益及增設試 車場之評估準則。 3.環境衝擊指標:供航管單位擬定試車場興建位置、興建優先順序及評 估興建效益之評估準則。 最後,本研究中並歸納試車場設置試車場設 置之流程以供航管單位設置試車場規劃之參考。 The airport has become the center point of air traffic, and all the air traffic activities are focused at it. Resently, due to the rapid development of the metropolitan zone, the residential areas have been developed surrounding the airport. Directly the operating of the airport has caused numerous amount of infections and inconveniences for the residence. In such infections, the noise caused by the aircraft bas been the most criticized. Other than the landing and departing noise, the noise created by the run-up zone has been the most influenced to the residence. This research has pronounced the methods and criterion to be used at the time of designing and locating the run-up zone to prevent noises. This research has also used the system analysis method to analyze the run-up zone, the run-up zone capacity, the economical advantage, and noise created by the run-up zone. As the result of the analysis we have concluded the following methods and criterions. 1. THE METHOD OF ESTIMATING THE CAPACITIES OF THE RUN-UP ZONE : For the airport authority on the designing of the run-up zone capacity and maintenance. 2. THE ECONOMICAL CRITERION OF THE RUN-UP ZONE : A criteria that should be used by the airport authority on estimating the cost and developing of the run-up zone. 3. INDEXES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPECT : An estimation method for the airport authority on locating the run-up zone.At last this research has regrouped the methods of designing the run-up zone for the air traffic control center as a provision reference.
Appears in Collections:Thesis