Title: 台北市四種土地使用活動停車需求之研究-以電影院,百貨公司,量販店,體育場為例
A Study on the Parking Demand of Four Activities in Taipei-for Theater,Department Store,Wholesale Store and Stadium
Authors: 陸學中
Lu, Shyue-Jong
Tai-Shen Huang
Keywords: 停車需求;土地使用活動;承載率;旅次目的;旅次吸引率;parking demand;Land-Use Activities;Occupancy;trip purpose;Attracted Trip-Rate
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 本研究之重點,在探究不同土地使用活動(電影院、百貨公司、量販店及 體育場)吸引旅次之特性及其衍生之停車需求,推估各區位所產生之停車 需求與檢定其間有無差異,並找出影響差異之主要原因。而主要問題架構 包含土地使用活動之區位、活動建物規模、活動類型與活動品質等四項, 為探討分析之內容。各項活動所吸引之旅次,則有使用運具比率、乘載率 、旅次目的等旅次特性。但此些商業活動設施,所吸引之旅次,其中大部 分屬於多目的旅次,因此在推估停車需求時,必須考量多目的旅次與停車 需求之關係,使推估之停車需求量,符合實際現況,以免產生高估之結果 。 最後依據研究之結果,不同土地使用活動之停車需求,可經由停車 需求旅次吸引率模式推求得知,其各種土地使用活動之停車需求結果如下 :電影院分為兩類,一、中心商業區與舊市區:其小汽車停車需求為 6.36車位/100座位;機車為8.30車位/100座位,二、新市區:其小汽車停 車需求為6.57車位/100座位;機車為10.33車位/100座位。百貨公司則分 為兩類,一、中心商業區:其小汽車停車需求為4.62車位/100㎡;機車 為6.56車位/100㎡,二、舊市區與新市區:其小汽車停車需求為1.56車 位/100㎡;機車為3.06車位/100㎡。量販店分為兩類,一、萬客隆與家樂 福:其小汽車停車需求為4.69車位/100㎡;機車為3.89車位/100㎡,二、 遠百:其小汽車停車需求為2.14車位/100㎡;機車為3.64車位/100㎡。體 育場分為兩類,一、職籃:其小汽車停車需求為4.9車位/100座位;機車 為12.59車位/100座位,二、職棒:其小汽車停車需求為9.25車位/100座 位;機車為18.7車位/100座位。 This study is to estimate the parking demand for four commercial activities:movie theaters, department stores, wholesale stores, and stadiums. In order to use the result in impact study of land development, a disaggregate model is used. The attracted trips in peak hour are measured, and a questionnaire survey is conducted to gather the data of percentage of car user and motorcycle user, the occupancy of car and □q鬳cycle, and the trip purposes for this parking. From these, parking demand induced by trips attracted per 100㎡ or 100seats at peak hour can be calculated. Then an adjustment is made for the difference between peak parking demand and peak trip attracted, and for the multi-use trip. During the analysis, the difference between trip attracted per 100㎡, between the modal split, and between the distribution of trip purposes of various locations are tested to show the similarities of different locations. 1.The results show the peak parking demand for car of movie theater in CBD and core area is 6.36 space/100seat, for motorcycle is 8.3 space/100 seat; in new developed area for car is 6.57 space/100seat, for motorcycle is 10.33 space/100seat. 2.The peak parking demand for car of department stores in CBD is 4.62 space/100㎡, for motorcycle is 6.56 space/100㎡; in core area and new developed area for car is 1.56 space/100㎡, for motorcycle is 3.06 space/100㎡. 3.The peak parking demand for car of wholesale stores in makro and carrefour is 4.69 space/100㎡, for motorcycle is 3.89 space/100㎡; in hyper for car is 2.14 space/100㎡, for motorcycle is 3.64 space/100㎡. 4.The peak parking demand for car of CBA is 4.9 space/100seat, for motorcycle is 12.59 space/100seat; in CPBL for car is 9.25 space/100seat, for motorcycle is 18.7 space/100seat.
Appears in Collections:Thesis