標題: 台北都會區小型汽車與機車行車型態之研究
Driving Patterns of Small-Sized Vehicles and Motorcycles in the Taipei Metropolitan Area
作者: 鄧金地
Teng, Jin-Di
Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng
關鍵字: 行車型態;污染排放;油耗;區段;TOPSIS;Driving Pattern;Driving Cycle;Exhaust Emission;Fuel Economy;Segment;TOPSIS
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 近年來隨著所得水準提高,民眾使用機動車輛頻率增加,公路運輸已 成為都市空氣污染的主要來源。政府為加強管制車輛污染排放,目前採行 美國環境保護局聯邦測試程序與歐洲經濟同盟之市區行車型態,作為實驗 室測試汽油引擎汽車與機車污染排放與油耗之標準行車型態。但由於交通 狀況、駕駛行為等因素之差異,目前法規所採行之行車型態是否適用於國 內交通特性,值得吾人進一步研究。 本研究於民國八十四年十一月至 十二月期間,針對台北都會區小型汽車與機車,以起訖追車方式進行大規 模行車型態調查,藉由統計方法檢定樣本時間與空間之代表性,分析汽機 車行車特性,比較不同時段行車狀況之差異,並藉由電腦模擬區段組合方 式,分別建立TCDP與TMDP行車型態以代表台北都會區小型汽車與機車之行 車特性。此外,本研究採用旅行速率、行駛速率、速度標準差、平均加速 度、加速度標準差、平均減速度、減速度標準差、每公里停等次數、怠速 時間比、加速時間比、定速時間比、減速時間比十二個參數,運用TOPSIS 法將台北都會區行車型態調查結果與國外標準行車型態作比較,結果發現 機車行車特性與日本10mode較類似,小型汽車行車特性則與各標準行車型 態有很大差異,顯見目前國內所採行之行車型態並不適用於台北都會區之 交通狀況,此結果可提供政府相關單位之參考。 Due to the increase in usage of motor vehicles, highway transportation hasrecently become the main air pollution source in urban area. For the purpose of controlling exhaust emission from motor vehicles, the government used U.S.federal test procedures (FTP) and the urban driving cycle of the Economic Community for Europe (ECE) respectively to test exhaust emission and fuel economy of gasoline vehicles and motorcycles in the laboratory. But, the vehicle driving patterns were affected by temporal and spatial factors in the urban area. It is worthy to determine how representative the U.S. federal driving cycle and ECE-15 cycle are in Taiwan. A large scale survey of driving patterns in Taipei metropolitan area during November to December in 1995 was carried out by origin-destination chasing car.Speed histories were recorded and a temporal and spatial representative sampleswere taken. In this paper vehicle operations were measured and compared between peak hours and off-peak hours by a mathematic statistical method. Using a computer simulation procedure based on segment assembling, this study developed TCDP and TMDP cycles representing small-sized vehicles and motorcycles drivingstyle respectively in the Taipei area. In addition, this paper selected 12 parameters to characterize driving patterns and used the TOPSIS method to make comparisons between the results of vehicle driving-pattern investigation in Taipei and standard driving cycles in the world. The 12 assessment criteria for comparing driving cycles are average speed, running speed, standard deviation of speed, mean acceleration, standard deviation of acceleration, mean deceleration,standard deviation of deceleration, stop numberrs per kilometer, the proportions of time spent at idle phase, acceleration phase, deceleration phase, and cruising phase. The result is that the driving pattern of motorcycles in Taipei is similiarto the Japanese 10-mode cycle, and the small-sized vehicle pattern is different from standard driving cycles. It is obvious that official test cycles are not suitable at present. The results can offer the government references.