標題: 我國運輸事業與電信科技關係之研究
A Study on the Relationship between Transportation Industry and Telecommunication Technology in Taiwan
作者: 施昌谷
Shih, Chang-Ku
Wu-Cheng Chen
關鍵字: 運輸事業;電信科技;市場調查與行銷活動;運輸服務之訂購與銷售;運輸服務之運作與支援;售後服務與帳務處理;Transportation Industry;Telecommunication Technology;marketing activity;selling activity;transport operation;accounting and customer service
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 電信科技對運輸發展影響極為廣泛,除了經營績效與服務品質提昇外,對 未來運輸系統發展,或未來運輸行為都將提供足夠的整合性與便利性。本 研究擬以巨觀的觀點,探討我國運輸事業使用電信科技之情形,並針對運 輸事業對於電信科技運用上存在之問題,提出改善策略,以回饋到運輸事 業與電信科技之技術發展。本研究首先將運輸事業與電信科技之關係,按 使用程序分成「市場調查與行銷活動」、「運輸服務之訂購與銷售」、「 運輸服務之運作與支援」及「售後服務與帳務處理」等四大部份。並透過 問卷的調查,發現我國運輸事業使用電信科技之問題,其問題涵蓋五方面 ,即(1)對電信科技之認知不足、(2)人才不足、(3)電信服務品質不佳 、(4)使用成本高、(5)受限於法令,並對此進行改善策略研擬。最後於策 略改善方面,首先釐清運輸事業與電信科技配合上,各方角色之功能與需 求;其次由交通改善效果與技術可用性之關係,顯示我國於現階段應優先 推廣的輔助作業系統;再次從電信科技的配合顯示,應朝行動化、寬頻化 、數位化及標準化等四個方向進行;最後並提供未來具體可資改善的方式 以供參考。 Telecommunication technology has significant influence on the developmentof transportation industry. It not only increase the industry's performanceand service quality, but also will shape the development of transportationsystem in the future. In this study, the use of telecommunication bytransportation enterprises is analyzed with the macroview. Problems relatedto applications of telecommunication are identified. The associatedstrategies are then proposed and fed to the development of thetransportation and telecommunication. To clarify the relationship between transportation and telecommunication,four application areas based on the transportation practices are classified.They are marketing activity, selling activity, transport operation, andaccounting and customer service. Currently, problems related to applicationsof telecommunication in Taiwan's transportation industry, which aresummarized from the survey, include (1). poor cognizance of thetelecommunication technology, (2). lack of professional experts,(3). poor telecommunication service quality, (4). high cost, and(5). legal restraints. Strategically, to match telecommunication with the transportationdevelopment, the role and demand of each player should first beclarified. Secondly, effectiveness and technology availabilityshould be taken seriously into consideration when application oftelecommunication is planned. Thirdly, on the basis of telecommunication development, mobilization, wided- channelization, digitization, andstandardization is the direction to be followed in the futureapplication of the technology. In the final, some feasible courseswhich are helpful for the future development are proposed.