Title: 氮化鎵銦之低壓有機金屬化學氣相磊晶成長及光激螢光特性分析
Vapor Epitaxial Growth and Photoluminescence Characterization of InGaN by LP-MOCVD
Authors: 林宏璋
Lin, Hong-jan
馮明憲, 林登松
Ming-Shiann Feng, Dang-Sung Lin
Keywords: 氮化鎵銦;光激螢光;InGaN;photoluminescence
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 本論文係首次對氮化鎵銦薄膜之光激螢光特性作廣泛而深入的研究。本 實驗所用之氮化鎵銦試片,均以有機金屬化學氣相磊晶法來成長。 實驗 告訴我們要成長高品質的氮化鎵銦必須要有三個條件:(1)成長溫度必需高 於700℃ (2)較高的銦流量 (3)較低的氨流量。此外,由光激螢光的溫度梯 度變化可進一步膫解溫度和能帶之間的關係。 另外.我們利用四種不同 的方法成長氮化鎵銦量子井結構,並討論厚度所造成的壓力及成長溫度對 此量子井及結構所造成的影響。以找出此量子結構的最佳方法。 The photoluminescence chatacterization on InGaN epitaxial layer grown by Low-Pressure Metal Oraganic Chemical Vapor Deposition (LP-MOCVD) techniqueon sapphire substrate have investigate comprehensively. The result of experiment tell us, there are three conditions for grow high quality InGaN film (1) grow temperature is above 700 C (2) high indium flow rate (3)lower ammonia flow rate. We can know the relations of temperatureand energy gap by temperature grating of photoluminescence. In addition, we use four different methods to grow InGaN quantum wellstructure, and discuss the effects of stress by thickness and grow temperature.Next to find the better way to grow the quantum well.
Appears in Collections:Thesis