Title: 統計製程管制在積體電路製造業之應用研究
The Study of SPC Implementation on IC Manufacturing Industry
Authors: 李佳蓉
Lee, Chia Jung
Benjamin Yuan
Keywords: 統計製程管制;積體電路;SPC;IC
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 1924年美國貝爾實驗室的修華特博士 (Dr. W. A. Shew□t)提出統計管制
圖(Statistical Control Chart)後,經戴明博士(Dr. W.E. Deming)及裘
蘭( Dr. J. M. Juran)等多位品管大師大力推廣、發揚光大後,統計製程
管制(Statistical Process Control;簡稱SPC)縱橫產業界70餘年,一時
蔚為潮流;尤其,近十年來積體電路(Integrated Circuit; 簡稱IC)產業
蓬勃發疳,SPC在IC製造過程中扮演關鍵性的角色,其功厥偉; 此乃因IC
面性客戶滿意。 橫向則探討各功能單位中SPC的規劃推動、管理聯繫及落
實運作等課題。 個案研究部分則是探索IC廠實際的運作體系,及針對特

In 1924, Dr. W. A. Shewart at Bell Lab. suggested a statistical
control chart. Many professionals such as Dr. W. E. Deming and
Dr. J. M. Juran were promoting and developing that for many
years. Since then, statistical cont chart. Many professionals
such as Dr. W. E. Deming and Dr. J. M. Juran were promoting and
developing that for many years. Since then, statistical control
charts have been used in the industry for more than seventy
years and become routine. Specifically, in the last ten years,
the IC industry has developed rapidly; statistical process
control (SPC) now plays a critical role in the IC's
manufacturing process. Because IC manufacturing is a tight
integration of complex precision physical and chemical
processes, its complexity and difficulty are much more than
other industries. It is necessary to use a punctual and
complete SPC system to maintain and improve process quality in
IC industry now and in the future.This paper focuses on the
study of the application of the SPC system in the IC
manufacturing industry. It vertically analyzes the customer
cares-about; converts this to product specification; develops
it into process specifications; then implements process control
and finally assures quality in order to reach total customer
satisfaction. Horizontally, it investigates how to promote SPC
management and responsibility among the functional units. A
case study puts emphasis on IC production in various products in
small orders. Using Short-run SPC in a simulated
implementation, we can see that it is reliable and can resolve
the bottleneck of traditional SPC.In recent years, the IC
industry has continued to grow rapidly. There are many new
eight inch IC manufacturing factories being set up in the Hsin
Chu Science-based Industry Park. Experience accumulation is
time consuming. By implementing SPC, its contribution on product
quality stabilization and process improvement can help these new
factories to reach maturity early and make them highly
competitive in the industry.
Appears in Collections:Thesis