Title: 我國行動數據通訊服務的發展機會分析
an analysis on the business opportunities of mobile data communications service in taiwan
Authors: 李宗耀
Li, Tzung-Yao
童兆陽, 虞孝成
Zhao-Yang Tong, Hsiao-Cheng Yu
Keywords: 行動數據通訊;無線數據網路;Mobile data communications;Wireless data network
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 我國即將開放『行動數據通訊』服務﹐然而各項相關通訊法規制度、網路 系統規格、各類市場應用、軟硬體設備等﹐都尚在草擬或開發階段。本論 文之目的在探討以下各項課題:1. 分析評估各類『行動數據通訊』系統 之特性和功能﹐以瞭解未來系統發展的趨勢。2. 探討我國『行動數據通 訊』市場可能應用的種類和領域﹐並找出潛在用戶採用『行動數據通訊』 的考量因素。3. 分析在我國目前相關法規與競爭狀況下﹐經營『行動數 據通訊』網路的機會和行銷策略。 Taiwan Mobile Data Communication Service is scheduled to open to private company operation by end of 1996. However, the telecommunications LiberaLization LegisLations , the protocoles and standards, the potential applications, and the network equipments are still under planning & development. The purpose of this research was to explore answer to the following questions : 1. What are the capabilities of existing Mobile Data Communication system ,and the trend of their future development ? 2. What are the useful applications and the size of the market demand ? 3. Who will be the early adopters ? and what are their key decision factors to purchase ? 4. What are the business opportunities and marketing strategies for a typical mobile data service provider under the current regulation and competition ?
Appears in Collections:Thesis