標題: 日本無線數據服務i-mode成功經驗之探討
Success Experience of i-mode Service in Japan
作者: 王心婷
Wang Shin-Ting
Hsiao-Cheng Yu
關鍵字: 無線上網;行動上網;六力分析;企業價值鏈;NTT DoCoMo;i-mode
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 自1980年全球開始推動電信自由化之後,各國掀起電信業民營化風潮。自由競爭的市場中,電信業者突破既有之技術,提供更優質及便宜的服務,進而刺激了民眾的需求,達到電信服務普及。1995年開始,網際網路興起,上網成為一般人生活的一部份。結合網際網路與無線通訊技術的無線網際網路服務(Wireless Internet or Mobile Internet)成為最新的趨勢。行動電話已從過去以語音為主,漸漸轉為對行動資料的需求。 本研究針對日本的標竿電信業者NTT DoCoMo推出之i-mode服務進行深入分析。利用六力分析與產業價值鏈等分析模式,定位無線數據服務在整個通訊產業的地位。接著利用Porter的企業價值鏈(value chain)模式,針對日本電信業者所推出的無線數據服務之關鍵成功要素進行研究。 研究結果發現影響電信業者推動無線數據服務的關鍵成功要素為:一、電信業者必須提供服務平台,整合手機製造商及內容供應商。二、發展無線數據服務應以消費者日常生活為核心,才能滿足消費者最廣泛的需求。三、合理的收費標準攸關服務是否能普及。四、推動無線數據服務時,需配合各地區的生活習慣及文化,才能掌握市場需求的脈動。五、電信業者在選用技術時需考慮與其他業者之間的相容性。六、發展3G服務前宜讓消費者在2G服務中嘗試3G新服務的各項功能,才能刺激消費者接受3G服務。
Success Experience of i-mode Sercives in Japan Student:Shin-Ting Wang Advisor:Hsiao-Cheng Yu Institute of Management of Technology National Chiao Tung Unversity Abstract The telecommunications equipment and service industries worldwide experienced rapid expansion ever since the liberalization of telecommunications. Due to the advancement of both the Internet and the wireless communications technologies, mobile Internet or mobile data services became the most important trend in telecommunication. The I-mode service provided by NTT DoCoMo was the most successful mobile data service on earth. This main focus of this research was to analyze the success experience of I-mode, including its technology, services, tariffs, business model, and marketing strategy etc. This effort will prove to be useful to other mobile data service providers. The key findings of this research include: 1.In order for mobile data service to be successful, the service provider must collaborate with both the handset manufacturers and the content providers. 2.Mobile data services must be close to daily lives of consumers. 3.Reasonable tariff is essential to the penetration of mobile data services. 4.The services or the contents of mobile data services have to have close tie with local ways of living and culture 5.Evolution of technologies of mobile data services must consider backward compatibility. 6.Consumers should be given opportunities to experiment mobile data service features in 2G environments in preparation for a smooth 3G launch.