標題: 專利侵害技術類型與鑑定之研究
A Study on the Technology Types and Identification of Patent Infringement
作者: 莊國祥
Chuang, Kuo-Hsiang
Shang-Jyh Liu
關鍵字: 專利;技術創新;專利侵害;侵害鑑定;科技管理;Patent;Technological Innovation;Patent Infringement;Identification of Infringement;Management of Technology
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 專利侵害包含了法理分析、法律解釋及科技(技術)鑑定之問題,以往多數 之研究較少涉及科技觀點之評析及事實認定之探討。本研究採取定性的探 索性研究,整合技術內容與法律規範,依專利侵害的法律與事實面,即專 利權利的領域與界限、直接或間接侵害、以及侵害實施態樣等侵害分析原 則,並依發明體系、技術體系、創新體系三者互動關係與架構,進行技術 侵害類型與鑑定之研究。本文先以歷史觀角度切入研究主題,從各國及我 國專利法律中的侵害概念之源起與發展特徵,用以說明專利侵害的觀念和 背景。接者從各國所發展的法律和實務上之見解與彼此間所具有之互動影 響,以瞭解專利權利的領域與界限中,技術範圍與保護範圍的特性與差異 。再者依專利侵害行為與技術侵害分析原理與實務,進而推演出侵害分析 原理之核心本質,以供侵害程度和類型之適用,並以科技管理觀點,從發 明及創新體系的源起與構成要素上,以及技術體系的分類與架構,發掘此 三種體系之概念性的互動關係與系統結論,找出有用且系統化的技術類型 ,與技術創新程度的衡量因子。最後,從專利侵害分析原則之核心本質與 技術類型之表徵體系,建構專利侵害技術類型之分析模式,進而技術侵害 鑑定之分析程序。研究發現,鑑定三角-技術表徵、侵害分析原理和創新 自由度,提供專利局、法院及企業體三者,對技術侵害認定問題的新省思 。技術表徵係利用技術組成原理及不同產業之技術要點,對技術主體之細 目分類,以供系爭技術鑑定比較用。侵害分析原理係以均等論為鎖鑰經緯 ,窮究其核心本質,來自關連、相似、轉移等十三種不同原理,而能將侵 害類型完整剖析出來。創新自由度係創新價值之關鍵因素與評估衡量因子 ,用於均等範圍之抗辯或迴避設計之參考。在兼顧技術之光系統中的資訊 體與技術體,以及技術之影系統中的人員體與社會體等雙重目的下,共同 建構一完整技術侵害鑑定體系。 Justification of patent infringement consists of many aspects with regard tojurisprudence, legal interpretation, and technological innovation. It seemsquite normal in present practice that the determination of an infringementis of more legal doctrines established in the court than the nature ofinvention known to the technological community. This study presents an integrated approach to analyze the technology types and identification factors of patent infringement. A new framework is proposed that itincorporates the ideas of innovation, invention, and technology types into the structures of infringement identification. Factors of three dimensions, i. e., the legaldoctrines of infringement, the specific components of technologies, and the degree of innovation, are suggested for a more comprehensive and realistic determination of patent infringement. The use ofthis proposed framework of three dimensions is given the term of "Identification Triangle" in this article.The study starts with the historicaldevelopment and legal doctrines of patent infringement in the USA, Germany, Japan, and Republic of China.It is followed with the discussions of the allelement rule, doctrine ofequivalents, and file wrapper estopple. The US courtsand common law cases have employed three major principles for more than aa century, and haveexerted significant influences on most legal systemsof other nations. This study adds the essence and nature of invention andtypes of the innovation, such as association, focus, combination, etc., to thefactors of infringement determination. It also takes into account the specificfeatures of different technologies to analyze the technologies for furtherand detailed comparisons of a technology of concern. There are the technological dimensions ofmaterials (M), energy source and fundamental engineering theories (E), personality or characteristics (P), the space or structure (S), and the controlling techniques (T). An artificial blood vesselillustrates the example of technological features in this study.It isconcluded that the Identification Triangle provides a new vision to the justification of patent infringement. Thirteen types of technological innovation can serve as the vehicle of differtiating the degree of technicalimprovement in terms of thespecificity, level of difficulty, practicability,economy, etc. This new model of concept and associated factors facilitatea more justifiable version of infringement identification for the patent systems.