Title: 運動中發生部分遮蔽之動態手勢辨識
An Approach to Dynamic Gesture Recognition under Partial Occlusion in Motion
Authors: 洪維遠
Hung, Wei-Yuan
Sheng-Fuu Lin
Keywords: 電腦視覺;動態手勢;軌跡追蹤;神經網路;部份遮蔽;computer vision;dynamic gesture;trajectory tracking;neural network;partial occlusion
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 我們提出一種利用電腦視覺 (Computer Vision) 來辨識動態手勢的方法.
在我們的系統中, 使用攝影機 (CCD) 來抓取手部影像,利用手掌及手指的
幾何形狀和特 性作特徵抽取,得到手指端點的位置,利用運動調和法
(Motion Correspondence), 得到運動軌跡再造出向量,再使用類神
經網路中的 supervised fuzzy adaptive Hamming net (SFAHN)來學習和
辨識.針對十六種手勢作測試,結果顯示辨識率相當高; 其中
以及手指會發生部份遮蔽 (occlusion) 的手勢.
We propose a method for using Computer Vision to recognize
dynamic gestures. In our system, we use a charge-coupled device
(CCD) camera to capture hand images, we then find the
positions of fingertips using the geometrical shapes and
characteristics of the human hand, taking advantage of
``Motion Correspondence'' to find the motion trajectories, and
calculate vectors from start to stop positions of motion
trajectories. We interpret the vectors using a supervised fuzzy
adaptive Hamming net (SFAHN). Simulation results show the
proposed method has a recognition rate approaching 100% for two
pairs of patterns with different motion trajectories but the
same start and stop positions, even when fingertips in some
gesture patterns were partially occluded.
Appears in Collections:Thesis