Title: EDM間隙控制參數的自動調整
A Method of Auto-Tuning Parameter for EDM Gap Control
Authors: 李忠穎
Lee, Jong-Yiing
Tang Pei-Chong
Keywords: 加工效率;電極消耗率;間隙控制;自動調整;machining efficiency;electrode wear;gap control;auto-tuning
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 放電加工是藉著電極與工件間產生的放電火花進行加工,其特性是可 以利用較軟的電極材料加工超硬合金,克服了傳統機械加工的困難.儘管如 此,放電加工所產生的電極消耗與加工速度緩慢卻影響著加工精度與加工 效率,因此,降低電極消耗率與提高加工效率,是值得探討的課題 在本 論文中,我們針對間隙控制系統架構中,xR與kP這兩個控制參數進行探討, 對不同的xR與kP的設定值,所造成對放電加工效率,電極消耗率與放電的穩 定性的影響,除此之外,由於在不同的放電條件下,通常需要配合不同的參 數才能保持一定的工作效率,而參數的設定通常必須依賴熟練的操作員依 放電的實際情況來設定,因此,在本文中,我們亦提出xR與kP自動調整的方 法,以使得放電加工在不同的加工條件下均能維持一定的加工水準並減少 對操作員的依賴. EDM is a machining process by means of the electrical discharging betweenelectrode and workpiece.The characteristic is that using soft electrode canprocess the super hard alloy.For all that,the process precision and efficiencyare severely limited by the electrode wear and the slow velocity process forEDM.So it is the most important researcch topic how to improve the machiningefficiency and decrease the electrode wear. In this thesis,we study the control parameters which include xR and kP inour gap control system,and the influence of the machining efficiency,electrodewear and machining stability is caused by different value of xR and kP.Furthermore,we usually need different value of xR and kP to assure well workingefficiency under different process codition,but the setting of parametersusually depend on skillful operator's experience.Thus,in this paper,we propose a method of auto-tuning parameter for gap control which assure better proess circumstance and decrease the reliance upon operator when the EDM【s underdifferent condition.
Appears in Collections:Thesis