Title: 模態追隨技術運用在順滑模態飛行控制器設計
model-following technique applied to sliding mode flight cotroller design
Authors: 陳昌宏
Chen, Chung-Hung
Chen Yon-Ping
Keywords: 順滑模態;飛行控制;模態追隨;比例積分控制;sliding mode;flight control;model following;PI control
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 本論文的主題為順滑模態的飛行控制器設計。將整個系統分成縱向運 動和橫向運動並加以線性化之後設計控制器。其中,由於引擎十分複雜而 難以用數學模型加以描述,因此將速度分開以PI控制器設計。在飛行的路 徑規劃上是希望飛機能夠完成一爬升轉彎和水平加速的動作,並將模態追 隨的技術運用在控制命令的產生上,以期能將飛行的姿態順滑化。所採用 的模擬環境為在1991年AIAA會議中所提出的飛行模擬系統。 This thesis is on sliding mode flight control 。The system is divided into two parts ( longitudinal and lateral)。 Linearization is employed prior to controller design。Due to the engine complexity,velocity control is accomplished by using a PI compensator 。In flight schedule,the climb-turn and level accelerations of the aircraft are achieved via sliding mode。 Moreover,we use the model following technique to generate commands that smooth the flight path。
Appears in Collections:Thesis