Title: KTV視訊伺服器的儲存管理
Storage Management of a KTV Video Server
Authors: 陳奇宏
Chen, Chie-Hon
Suh-Yin Lee
Keywords: 視訊伺服器;儲存管理;KTV;KTV;Video Server;Storage Management
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 儲存設備的成本大量降低,以及多媒體技術的蓬勃發展,數位化視訊資
器在儲存管理上的重要課題。 在這篇論文中,我們提出了一個視訊伺服
,能從KTV 系統的實際應用上,證實這儲存管理系統的有效性與可行性。
Due to the reduction of cost in storage devices and rapid
progress of mult imedia techniques, it becomes possible to use
digital video in a video service system. However, video data
are of large amount and require high bandwidth for retrieval.
Therefore, to store large amount of video data and to support
many concurrent retrieval for clients are the important issues
for storage subsyste m of video server. In this thesis, a
storage structure of video server is proposed. Upon this
structure, a hierarchical storage management system is built
which can support several clients for video streams
concurrently. Besides, the system can supply large amount of
contents for clients to choose under a reasonable cost. There
are many methods used to improve performance, guarantee quality
of service, an d to reduce the cost of server. These methods
include disk scheduling, admissi on control, storage hierarchy
and popularity based assignment of contents. Fin ally, by
implementing KTV application on the server, the effectiveness
and eff iciency of the server can be proved.
Appears in Collections:Thesis