標題: 視訊伺服器階層式儲存系統之模擬
A Simulation Model for Hierarchical Storage Systems of Video Servers
作者: 許旻揚
Hsu, Ming Yang
Lee Suh-Yin
關鍵字: 視訊伺服器;系統模擬;階層式儲存;隨意視訊;video server;system simulation;hierarchical storage;video-on-demand
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 在隨意視訊服務中,視訊伺服器扮演著一個非常重要的角色。一個好的 視訊伺服器設計不但要能夠儲存大量的影片資料,快速的處理客戶端的播 放要求,還要能夠符合經濟效益。利用類似快取記憶體的原理,我們可以 藉由階層式的儲存架構來提昇系統的效能,並使系統的花費與效能達到最 經濟的平衡點。所謂的階層式架構是指所有的影片主要是存放在唯讀光碟 中,而利用硬碟當作唯讀光碟的快取儲存裝置的方式,在不增加太多額外 花費的前提下大幅提高系統效能。然而,設計一個視訊伺服器的階層式儲 存系統並不容易,其中牽涉到系統中許多不同元件之間的互動,如磁碟、 磁碟陣列、光碟、光碟櫃、連續性媒體檔案系統、即時排程演算法等等。 當我們設計系統的某個部份後,這些元件之間複雜的相互關係,讓我們不 易做到逼真且完整的系統模擬,而且視訊伺服器的各個元件都非常的昂貴 ,若是在未經模擬驗證的情況下購買這些元件是一件很冒險的事。因此, 在本論文中,我們提出了一個可供擁有階層式儲存系統的視訊伺服器專用 的系統模擬工具,讓視訊伺服器的設計者可以輕易地將他們的設計套用在 我們的系統模擬程式中,藉以驗證他們的設計是否確實符合預期的功能, 或者用於評估視訊伺服器的效能及尋找瓶頸,以作為日後調整系統及改善 效能的依據。 In video-on-demand(VOD) services, the video server plays an important role in handling the huge amount of video data andmanaging the users' requests quickly. Also, the design of the server must also take the cost into consideration. Similar tothe caching policy, we can use a hierarchical storage system to improve the performance of the system without greatly raising the cost of the server. The hierarchical storage system stores all videos in CD-ROMs which are managed by the jukebox and the disks are used as the cache of CD-ROMs. However, designing a video server is not a simple task since it involves complex interaction among the components of the server. In the design of some parts of a server, most researchers limit their simulation in a small range of the server since it is difficult to simulate the whole server. Hence, in this thesis, a simulation model is proposed for designers of video servers using hierarchical storage systems so that they can easily simulate their design using the simulation system with only little modification.