Title: 用 Extended CPM 來分析一個軟體程序
Analyze a Software Process Using Extended CPM
Authors: 魏三和
Wei, San-Ho
Wang Feng-Jian
Keywords: 軟體程序;一般性程序塑模;software process;generic process model;Extended CPM
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 如果要完整地描述一個軟體發展程序,一個塑模表示法要能夠表示工
路是一個不具循環的有向性AOV (Activity On Vertex) 網路。一個CPM工
作的反覆性和不確定性行為。在此篇論文裡,Extended CPM (ECPM) 將被
展示。ECPM是CPM的超集合。ECPM 可以被用來表示工作的順序性、平行性
To capture the complexity of software development process,
the modelingformalisms should be able to express the following
behaviors of activities:sequence, parallelism, iteration,
synchronization and uncertainty. A CPM activity network, an
acyclic and directed AOV (Activity On Vertex) network,is able to
express the sequence, parallelism and synchronization
behavirosof activities but is insufficient to capture the
iteration and uncertaintybehaviors of activities in a software
process. In this thesis, Extended CPM(ECPM), a superset of CPM,
will be presented. ECPM can be used to expressthe sequence,
parallelism, iteration, synchronization and uncertaintybehaviors
of activities. Several project management problems to be
detectedthrough ECPM and the critical path analysis method of
ECPM will be presented. An approach of analyzing a software
process using ECPM will be presentedand to simplify the
discussion, the analysis with ECPM is done through a more
complicated model called PASTA.
Appears in Collections:Thesis