標題: 整合影像處理與無線傳輸功能的VR系統
An Intergrated VR System
作者: 陳維國
Chen, Wei-Kuo
陳 稔
Dr. Zen Chen
關鍵字: VR系統;VR system
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 摘 要 本論文宗旨首先在於改進目前虛擬實境(Virtual Reality)系統所使用的 HMD (Head Mount Display)有線傳送方式, 此一傳送方式不但限制使用 者的活動範圍, 且使用者的舉手投足之間皆會受到信號線的影響, 研究 改採無線傳送的可行性, 將HMD與系統連接之信號, 包括 NTSC Video Signal, Audio Signal 取出, 經發射 機傳送出去, 在接收端再將此信號 經介面電路之後饋送到 HMD, 使虛擬實境之畫面 重現在 HMD 之 LCD 中. 其次,由於我們改以攝影機對使用者做定位, 但因為使用者活動的範圍較 廣, 需要數部攝影機才能完全涵蓋, 這些由 PC 所控制的攝影機就必須 經由網路與 VR 系統連結, 因此, 我們要建立一個多部 PC 及多部攝影 機的系統環境. In Virtual Reality system, signal tramsmission between VR main frame and HMD(Head Mount Display)is via cable. It's not convenient to user because cable is a obstacle when user roam in the virtual world. We know that user can*t see the surrounding clearly when he is playing in the virtual world with a HMD mounted in the head, and It's easy for the user to tumble over the cable. So, It is dangreous! A modified VR system using wireless transmission technique can overcomethe defect mentioned above. The cable can be replaced by a transmitter and a receiver which are setted at the side of VR system and HMD. Signals are transmitting without cable and user can move freely within the scope of permitted. And we will take the advantage of network to construct a multiprocessorsystem. In the system, each processor control a camera to catch image; So, the integrated system*s view can cover a large scale of scope. Processors get instruction from VR main frame via network and start the camera to photo; Datas will be transmitted to the VR main frame lately. So, VR system can get the data about user moving easily and quickly. And the virtual world will change according to the swift state of user simultaneously.
Appears in Collections:Thesis