標題: 多媒體互動電視電腦輔助學習系統之研究
On the Development of an Interactive-TV-based Multimedia CAL
作者: 呂學森
Leu, Shyue-Sen
Shian-Shyong Tseng
關鍵字: 多媒體;電腦輔助學習;互動電視;Multimedia;CAL;ITV
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 傳統的電腦輔助學習系統(CAL),主要是在電腦上執行,然而由於 目前電腦在一般家庭仍不普遍,因此在推廣電腦輔助學習系統上有其困難 之處。電視教學雖然可以彌補這個缺點,但電視教學是屬於單向的灌輸, 使用者無法進行回饋而使學習效果大打折扣。為了使電腦輔助學習系統能 深入每一個家庭,我們採用普及率較高的有線電視和電腦系統整合,並利 用多媒體及通訊信號處理的技術,來研發新的電腦輔助學習系統。在本論 文中,首先先就互動電視的發展做說明,再針對新的電腦輔助學習系統之 設計理念、系統架構、操作流程及部份特殊設計考量作詳細的介紹。我們 希望藉由本系統能讓使用者不需額外增加其它設備即可把電腦多媒體輔助 教學的應用帶進每一個家庭。此外,我們並提出一套在電話單鍵選擇測驗 過程中,評量及分析學生學習成果的模式。 Traditional Computer Aided Learning (CAL) is mainly a computer-basedmultimedia CAL system, and however, family computer is not popular enough atpresent. To solve the problem of computer popularity, we develop anotherInteractive-TV-based multimedia system. What we need for the new ITV-basedsystem are just CATV and telephone, because they are both in high popularityin Taiwan's families. To take full advantage of interactivity and multimedia,we integrate CATV and computer to develop this system.In this thesis, besides of the introduction of the development of ITV,we will introduce the design idea, architecture, operating procedure and somespecial design consideration of this new system.Moreover, we will show a model to evaluate and analyze learning effect, whichapplies to the single-choice test via telephone dial.
Appears in Collections:Thesis