標題: 網際網路上安全的電子付款環境之探討
A Review of Secure Environments for Electronic Payments in Interbet
作者: 邱信榮
Chiu, Shin Jung
黃景彰, 吳壽山
Hwang Jing-Jang, Wu Soushan
關鍵字: 網際網路;全球資訊網;電子付款;電子商務;安全;密碼學;Internet;World Wide Web;electronic payment;electronic commerce;security;cryptography
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 本論文的主要目的,在探討網際網路環境中進行付款交易的安全議題, 以及研究如何進一步建構安全的電子付款系統,讓網際網路的用戶、企業 與金融機構等交易個體之間能夠充分信賴此一環境,以進行電子化的商業 交易。在本論文中,首先對於架構於網際網路TCP/IP協定上的通訊安全協 定-SSL與S-HTTP作分析比較與安全性探討;其次,蒐集整理目前國外所 提出的電子付款系統,作完整的歸納及分類,並分析信用卡、電子現金與 電子支票三種網際網路電子付款系統之特性、優缺點與其安全運作方式; 其中,以SET協定的安全性評估為重點。SET(Secure Electronic Transaction)協定是Visa及MasterCard兩大信用卡公司於1996年所提出 之適用於網際網路的信用卡付款交易協定草案,非常可能成為未來的業界 實質(de facto)標準。在本論文的最後,則參照國外電子付款系統的發 展趨勢,並依據國內目前的金融自動化環境,為我國規劃一個網際網路電 子付款系統的基礎架構雛形,以作為我國未來發展電子商務的參考。 The purpose of this thesis is to study security issues of electronicpayments over the Internet. In this thesis, the first topic is to compareSSL ( Secure Sockets Layer ) and S-HTTP ( Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol), the two communication security protocols proposed for being implementedin the session layer and in the application layer of TCP/IP, respectively. Then, the next topic is to survey and analyze the security issuesfor current Interent electronic payment systems including systems usingcredit cards, digital cash, and electronic checks. In particular, weevaluate the security of SET ( Secure Electronic Transaction ) , acredit-card based payment protocol over the Internet proposed by Visaand MasterCard in 1996. This draft proposal is likely to be adopted asa de facto standard internationally. Finally, we propose a prototypeas the infrastructure of Internet electronic payment systems in our country.