標題: 使用者認知風格對選單架構設計之影響研究-以車載資訊系統為例
A Study of the Effect of Users’ Cognitive Style on Menu Structure of Automotive Telematics Device
作者: 黃至煌
Chih-Huang Huang
Ming-Chen Chung
關鍵字: 選單架構;認知風格;車載資訊系統;menu structure;cognitive style;automotive telematics device
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 摘要 傳遞使用者與產品間的交流溝通,是介面存在的必然功能及目的。早期的數位產品系統皆以全螢幕的選項做為介面設計的配置方式,而當系統功能日漸複雜,他們開始使用選單架構,將資料與操作指示分屬配置。時至今日,選單架構雖有不同的形式呈現,但仍是做為軟體介面互動基礎的主要方式。從人因工程的動作分析到心理學的認知研究,已為使用者介面設計發展出許多規範與原則。然而,當數位化產品的使用,由專家普及至個人的生活領域時,使用者的定義即由訓練有素的專家轉變為泛指所有人群,此時將個人化差異的因素加入考量將是必要的。 本研究以車載資訊系統,作為整合型數位化產品之研究範例,針對認知風格為個人差異的切入點,探討使用者於人機互動時,軟體介面產生的執行績效差異。基於文獻的引導進行GEFT與模擬操作介面的二階段性實驗,分別獲得受試者的認知風格類型、客觀操作績效與主觀使用性評量,據此進行量化統計分析,以探求二影響因子間的關係。最後,藉由觀察受試者在實驗中的互動過程,以質性的分析方式,釐清受試者可能在實驗中所發生的互動性問題。 研究主要結論如下:(1)場域獨立型者,對於同步型與階層型選單架構具有較高的執行績效,而場域依賴型者則在連續線型選單架構中,具有較高的執行績效。(2)場域依賴型者較容易因為選單架構的差異,而在執行績效表現出顯著的差異性,尤其在於同步型選單架構的功能執行。(3)場域獨立型者較為偏好同步型選單架構,而場域依賴型者則較為偏好連續線型選單架構。(4)二類型的受試者對於執行績效高的選單架構,皆具有較高的主觀使用性評量。(5)介面設計者可以根據使用者的認知風格類型分布,選擇合適的基本選單架構為基礎,或為單一產品提供不同的選單架構設計,讓使用者可以自行選擇合適的互動流程。
Abstract The essential purpose of user interface is to make communication between the user and products. The digital product of the earlier period used the way with the options of the whole screen as the interface design, and when the function becomes complicated gradually, they start using menu-structure to programming the interface. Up to now, menu-structure have the different forms to present, but still is to be used as the main way of the interaction. The researches from ergonomics to cognitive psychology have developed out many principles of users’interface. However, when the usage of the digital products by the expert to personal living, the definition of the user namely the training expert change for all crowds, at this time, individual difference should be considered . This research carries the automotive telematics device as the example of the integrating digital product, and make cognitive style as individual difference to study the effect of users’s cognitive style on the performance of software. Acquires the users’cognitive style by GEFT、the performance and the usability evaluation of menu-structure experiments in order to inquire the relationship between cognitive style and menu-structure through quantitative analysis. Finally, Analyzing participants in the interactive process of menu- -structure experiments with qualitative ways ,to probe for interactive problems of them. The study comes out conclusions from the experiments:(1)Filed- independent participants shows better performance at simultaneous and hierarchical menu-structure, on the contrary, filed- dependent participants shows better performance at linear menu-structure.(2)The performance of filed- dependent participants are easier to be influenced by menu -structure design ,particularly carrying out at simultaneous menu-structure.(3)Filed- independent participants show preference for simultaneous menu-structure, and filed- dependent participants prefer linear menu-structure.(4)The result of the usability evaluation of all participants depends on the performance of the menu-structure.(5)The designers can choose the accommodation menu-structure as a foundation according to the distribution of the cognitive style of the users, or provide different menu-structures for the one product, and let the users be able to choose by themselves.


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