Title: 電信資訊科技對產業活動之影響架構分析
Framework Anyalsis for the Impacts of Telematics on Industrial Activities
Authors: 張蓓琪
Peggy Chang
Chen-Min Feng
Keywords: 電信資訊科技;產業活動;電子資料交換;流通業;模糊認知圖;telematics technology;industrial activities;electronic data interchange;the distrubtion industry;fuzzy cognitive maps
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 電信資訊科技(telematics)發展所帶動的資訊傳遞與處理技術改良,透過日益廣泛的知識網路(knowledge network)應用,對活動型態、生產方式及企業經營型態造成影響,其層面廣及產業經濟活動、交通運輸系統、社區活動及環境、與空間結構。其中以產業經濟活動為最直接之影響對象,亦為引發其他各項影響之核心,故本研究由探討電信資訊科技對企業之影響為出發點,分析該科技對產業活動之影響架構。電信資訊科技對企業之首要影響係在企業組織內,而漸次擴及企業間,再擴至產業及其他活動。依據電信資訊科技之經濟特性,可將其對於產業經濟之影響分為:經濟活動的改變、空間經濟活動的改變、產業經濟型態的改變、產業結構與活動內容的改變、生產因素與環境之改變與產業空間型態之改變等六個層面。 在各項電信資訊科技中以電子資料交換(Electronic Data Interchange,簡稱 EDI)在商業應用範圍最為廣泛,以目前國內商業自動化發展現況,EDI之應用成果以流通業最為豐碩,而其對於生產環境及企業空間活動造成之影響亦極深遠,實有必要深入探究分析。而國內外相關研究中對於EDI應用後之影響多為推論性或個案性之分析,缺乏對於影響效應因素及影響關係做整體性、模式化的分析。有鑑於此,本研究針對EDI應用對批發業、零售業及貨運業等不同流通業態之效應影響,建立模式應用模糊認知圖(Fuzzy Cognitive Maps,簡稱FCM)及模糊控制分析方法進行分析。 經由FCM分析EDI投入對流通業之主要影響效應,可發現批發業之影響效應在於:商情提供水準、投單效率、企業經營效率;零售業之影響效應在於:貨物管理準確度、企業管理效率、資訊流通、商品銷售能力、企業經營績效;貨運業之影響效應在於:配送時效、配送品質、企業競爭力。以模糊控制方法分析EDI投入對流通業各影響效應因素之影響程度,依本研究所假設之規則及隸屬函數型態推論之,不同EDI投資程度對第三層(回饋層)之影響近乎相同,約在50﹪左右,隱含若EDI投資程度超過50%則為無效投資;EDI投資程度10﹪與40﹪、60%、90﹪之影響差距僅在第一層較顯著。 本研究提出之效應分析模式可提供業者作為評估EDI執行成效或預期效應之參考,由於不同之EDI應用目的與方式、經營者之認知態度、企業電腦化程度、相關需求及配合條件等因素均影響應用效應,因此效應之衡量宜以應用個案分別討論。
The development of telematics has significantly impacted activity patterns, production function and business management through the communicating and processing of information, as well as knowledge network applications. Technological impacts related to telematics include industrial economic activities, transportation system, community life and environment, and spatial structure. Among those impacts, the impact of industrial economy activities is the most direct and essential one. This study analyzes the framework of industrial activities in terms of how telematics affects business activities. Based on economic characteristics, the impact of industrial economy is analyzed in terms of changes in the following areas: economic activities, spatial activities, economic patterns, industrial structures, production factors, and industry locations. Among all telematics technologies, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) has extensive commercial applications. Considering the business automatic project in Taiwan, EDI has been adopted mainly in the distribution industry. Most EDI impact-related studies, classified as either exploratory or case study types, did not consider the above characteristics and the relationships between the effects, and did not perform a comprehensive and structural analysis. Therefore, this study applies Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and a fuzzy control system to develop a model to analyze different types of distribution industry for EDI usage. This study also analyzes how EDI usage affects the distribution industry. The effects on wholesalers those are the commercial information, bidding efficiency and management efficiency. The effects on retailers are the goods management accuracy, management efficiency, information communication, commodity sale capability and management effectiveness. Moreover, the effects on freight carriers are the delivery time saving, delivery quality and competitiveness. Based on the fuzzy rule and membership function of the effect factors, this study also analyzes the degree of impact of EDI usage. According to those results, different EDI investment levels cause the similar effect( about 50﹪), implying that the EDI investment level over 50﹪ is inefficient. In addition, different EDI investment levels (i.e. 10﹪,40﹪,60﹪,90﹪) significantly differ at the first level effect factors. The impact analysis model proposed herein provides the distribution industry with a new means of evaluating the effects of implementing EDI. Since the purpose of EDI usage, cognitive attitude of manager, and computerized degree of industry are different, it is concluded that the effects of using EDI had better be analyze by a case base.
Appears in Collections:Thesis