標題: 藉用 Orbix 工具實現簡化之 DAVIC 伺服端
An Implementation of a Simple DAVIC Server Using Orbix
作者: 張峰誠
Chang, Feng-Cheng
Hsueh-Ming Hang
關鍵字: Orbix;DAVIC;Orbix;DAVIC
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 本篇論文主要目的是利用實驗室的現有硬體設備如 Sun 工作站及 Ethernet 網路,配合軟體工具如 Orbix 等,發展一個簡化的多媒體通訊 系統。DAVIC 提出一套適用於多媒體通訊系統的規範,且對許多部份有相 當程度的定義。因此我們的重點在於如何實踐伺服端與用戶端的高階通訊 協定,以及伺服端的高階架構。我們發展的系統可以瀏覽伺服器所提供的 服務、從檔案中截取一段資料,以及像錄放影機一般播放 MPEG檔案。限 於人力、時間與發展工具,這個系統並非完全符合 DAVIC 標準,然而就 另一角度而言,我們已建立一個簡化的影像伺服器,並從中獲得一些實踐 完整 DAVIC 伺服器的經驗。 The purpose of this study is to develop a simplified DAVIC server on the Sun workstations under Unix and X window environment. DAVIC 1.0 is a comprehensive set of standards that define various types of end-to-end multi-media communication systems. More precisely, we implement only the high level server-client protocols and server service elements specified in DAVIC. The system can provide browsing service, download a portion of a file, and play an MPEG sequence with VCR-like control. Limited by time, manpower and tools, our system is not fully DAVIC compatible. However, a partial implementation of a video server based on DAVIC concept has been demonstrated.