Title: 漏波陣列天線之研發
Leaky Wave Antenna Array Synthesis
Authors: 陳智聖
Cheng, Chi-Sheng
Keywords: 漏波天線;陣列天線;低雜訊放大器;回授;變壓器;Leaky Wave Antenna;Array;Low Noise Amplifier;Feedback;Transformer
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 本篇論文的第一部份發展了一個微軟視窗的電腦程式,而這個程式是用於 從連續式隙孔線流源到分散式陣列天線的合成法。這個陣列天線合成法產 生一個可隨意控制兩邊旁瓣強度的輻射場形。二個例子說明了這個合成法 ,在第一個例子中:30dB 的泰輻勒射場形,被修正成在主束的一邊,最 靠近的兩個旁瓣被壓低到40dB,在第二個例子中,一個 20dB 的泰勒輻射 場形被修改成在場形的兩邊,最靠近主束的四個旁瓣是 30dB,而緊接著 的四個卻為 15 dB 的對稱輻射場形□本論文的第二部份敘述一個新型的 砷化鉀單晶低雜訊放大器設計。在 2 到 3 GHZ頻帶內,我們設計一個有 著 20 dB 增益, 2:1 VSWR 和 1.6 dB低雜訊指數的新型式兩級回授放 大器。這個設計方法將放大器內部的偏壓電路、匹配電路、迴授網路和個 別的主動、被動元件全部建在一個面積為 1100×1700 的晶片上。 Part I of the thesis develops a visual C++ computer program for a linear antenna array synthesis from continuous aperture line sources to discrete antenna array. This program is intended for a linear leaky-wave antenna synthesis. Thisarray synthesis produces a desired radiation pattern with all sidelobes depressed at arbitrary degree. The approach is illustrated by 2 examples: 1) a 30 dBTaylor pattern, modified so that the innermost fivesidelobes on one side ofthe main beam are down 40 dB and 2) Beginning with a Taylor pattern which is 20/20, to produce a symmetrical sum patternwith the four innermost pairs of sidelobes at 30 dB, the next four pairs at 15 dB. Part II of the thesis describesa new GaAs MMIC LNA design. A two stage new GaAs MMIC low noise feedback amplifier has been developed with nominal 20 dB gain,2:1 VSWR 1.6 dB noise figure over the 2-3 GHz band. The design approach integrates all the internal bias circuits, matching circuits, feedback networks, the individual active and passive elements into a chip area of 1100 by 1700 um2.
Appears in Collections:Thesis