標題: VHF/UHF無線電波在起伏地形傳播之經驗統計模式
A Statistical Model for VHF/UHF Radio Propagation over Irregular Terrain
作者: 黃誌聲
Hwang, Jsy-Sheng
Jeen-Hwan Tang
關鍵字: 統計;起伏;無線電;傳播;terrain;statistical;pathloss
公開日期: 1995
摘要: In this research, firstly, a two-dimension ray-transmission- matrix (RTM) model,which combines a modified method of ray transmission matrix (RTM) and an equivalent terrain model, is verified by experimental data. It is proved that the RTM model works well for VHF/UHF radio propagation over both flat and irregular terrains. Secondly, an empirically based statistical model is developed to predict randomly received field strength. A lot of sampling data computed by using the RTM model is used to determine the parameters of the statistical model. The statistical model is proved to give a reasonable prediction accuracy by comparing the predicted field strength with the experimental data and extra sampling data computed by the RTM model separately.
Appears in Collections:Thesis