Title: 發電業自由化電源調度之研究
A Study of Power Dispatch under the Deregulation of Power Generation
Authors: 呂清淵
Lu, Chin-Yan
Ming-Yueh Tarng
Keywords: 發電業自由化;電源調度;獨立發電業;電源採購;保證發電時段;機組排程;Power Dispatch;the deregulation of power generation;power purchasing;Independent Power Producer;Quaranteed hours;Unit Commitment
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 發電業自由化電源調度之研究
摘 要 發電業自由化是政府政策。近年來,政府為解決電源
元化。 獨立發電業於民國87年開始運轉供電,對台電的營運將造成影
濟的原則下,調度所購得的電力,是兩個值得研究的問題。 本研究的
(包括能量與容量成本 )、台灣地區電力系統、負載特性,配合利用區域
度模式,以促使競爭環境的形成及達到經濟調度的目的。 論文最後,
A Study of Power Dispatch under
the Deregulation of Power Generation
ABSTRACT The deregulation of power
generation is government policy to solve the severe power
shortage in recent years. Encouraging the Independent Power
Producer(IPP) enters the electricity market to upgrade energy
utilizationefficiency and to build up a fair power purchasing
market. The IPP's joining system in 1998 will influence
Taipower's operation. Howto purchase power fairly and
efficiently and to operate the system economicallyand safely
after IPP's units being connectted to Taipower's system are two
im-portant issues deserving to study. The purpose of this
study is to build up a power purchasing model and power
dispatching model. To achieve this, this paper first analyzed
and comparedthe methods of the power purchasing, pricing after
the deregulation of power generation between Taiwan and foreign
situation; Secondly, this study is based on the characteristics
of the production cost structure (includingenergy and capacity
cost) of power generation, Taipower's system and load.Making use
of the concept of local balance, power interconnection, the
powerproduction of guaranteed hours and the factors of power
purchasing, such as:quantity, price, time and location, to set
up a power purchasing model and power dispatching model to
achieve power purchase fairly and the economic dispatching of
power generation. Finally, according to the significant finds
of this study, some suggestion and strategic operation are
referred in making decision in power purching anddispatching of
deregulation of power generation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis