標題: 台灣與美國企業廣告內容比較分析
A Comparative Analysis Of The Content Of Corporate Advertising In Taiwan And The United States
作者: 黃健洲
Huang, Chien-Chou
Huang Jen-Hung
關鍵字: 企業廣告;形象廣告;議題廣告;corporate advertising;image advertising;issue advertising
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 國際間貿易活動日趨頻繁,跨國行銷研究成為行銷學中一項重要的研 究方向,學者多 認為擬定行銷策略時應考慮當地營運環境的差異,其中又 以對跨國廣告策略的研究最多,企業廣告有別於行以銷售為目標的產品導 向廣告策略,其目的在於建立良好企業形象以及改善企業-社會關係,創造 有利的營運環境.本文根據Sethi,Mcleod and Kunita對企業廣告的研究結 果建構類目,分為形象廣告與議題廣告二大類,形象廣告中又分為善意目 的,財務目的,促進認識目的三項,依此類目對1988-1994年間台灣與美國主 要報紙所刊載企業廣告進行內容分析,以了解兩國運用企業廣告目的和程 度的差異,並探討兩國企業廣告目的的變化趨勢.研究結果顯示美國運用企 業廣告比例主顯著高於台灣;在目的方面,台灣與美國在善意目的,財務目 的,促進認識目的及議題廣告的運用均存在顯著差異;台灣在企業廣告,議 題廣告及善意目義的形象廣告均有顯著變動趨勢,美國部份在形象廣告部 份呈現顯著趨勢變動. This research uses content analysis method to exams the content and the trend of corporate advertisement both in Taiwan and America. To explore whether differences exits between Taiwan and The United State in the usage of corporate advertisement, the content of 752 corporate advertisements of four well-known newspapers in Taiwan and America from 1988 to 1994 are analyzed. Follow content analysis method and the works of Sethi and Mcleodon! corporate advertisement, this paper uses a category which classifies corporate advertisement into image/institutional and issue/advocacy. The image/institutional advertisement is further classified into good-will ,financial and awareness. The result of statistic analysis indicates that corporate advertisement is used more frequently in america,and various differences exist between Taiwan and America in the usage and the trend of corporate advertisement.