Title: 廣告主對廣告代理商所重視因素之研究
A Study on the Ad-Agency-Client Relationship----Advertiser perception
Authors: 江志明
Chiang, Chih-Ming
Quang Hua Chen
Keywords: 廣告主;廣告代理商;關係;廣告代理商與客戶;購買者與銷售者關係;組織間;Advertiser;Ad Agency;Relationship;Agency-Client relationship;Buyer-Seller Relationship;Interorganization
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 本研究係探討廣告代理商關係中,廣告重視的屬性為何.原始資料透過郵寄 問卷方式取得,郵寄對象則是採中華民國廣告年鑑中的1000大廣告主,評估 對象則是以綜合廣告代理商為主.研究發現廣告主選擇廣告代理商時較重 視廣告代業的基本功能,尤其是創意能力及媒能力.而全部的屬性可用以下 五個構面解釋'代理商能力','代理商背景','產業知識及經驗','競爭資 訊',及'理性因素'等.廣告代理商如要和廣告主維持良好的關係,首要重視 的也是廣告代理業的基本功能;除此之外,時效性也是廣告主考慮的因素之 一,包括是否能快速反應市場的變化,以及是否能在期限內完成.而全部的 屬性可由'行銷規劃及服務能力','溝通及責任', '時效性','人員狀態',' 廣告創意 及媒體購買','策略執行'等. is the biggest 1000advertiser in Taiwan. The questionair is designed for the managers of marketing department.The result suggest that whin advertisers choose ad agency, they think the fundmental function of advertising is most important, expecially the ability of creativity and media. The 17 variables sum up 5 factors by "factor analysis method" as following:'the ability of ad agency'the knowledge and experience od industry', 'competive information'and 'rational factor'.The 22 variables ,when the ad agencies are intent to develop a successful relationship, can sump up 6 factors as following:'the ability of marketing', 'communication and clear responsibility', 'the time factor', personnel factor', 'creativity and media' and media ', and 'strategy implementation'.
Appears in Collections:Thesis