標題: 折價券廣告對消費者之影響
The Effect of Coupon Advertising on Consumers
作者: 劉星怡
Liu, Shin-Yi
Huang Jen-Hung
關鍵字: 折價券廣告;促銷;廣告訊息;回憶;coupon advertising;sales promotion;advertisement information;recall
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 行銷中最大的矛盾在廣告與促銷的相反作用;廣告在培養消費者對品 牌之長期忠誠度,促銷則是提升短期的銷售成績。廠商最佳的選擇,在利 用廣告攻佔市場,建立品牌忠誠度,使消費者有長期的使用信心。同時, 在競爭激烈的市場上,以促銷活動吸引顧客購買;目前,兼具廣告與促銷 功能的促銷式廣告 (Sales Promotion Advertising ) ,諸如:附於平面 廣告上之折價券或摸彩券、雜誌內頁之香水試用品等等,出現次數越來越 頻繁,但其效果卻無法也不該單獨以促銷或廣告來解釋,因此,本研究將 對此類行銷工具的獨特效果作了解。 本研究以台灣北部之大專以上學生為研究對象, 以廣告型態 ( 折價券廣 告、一般傳統廣告 ) 、產品涉入 ( 高、低 ) 、品牌知名度 ( 高、低 ) 三個變數, 組合成八個實驗組, 探討三個自變數對應變數 ( 廣告溝通 層級效果,認知、回憶率、態度與購買意願) 的影響。同時,加入人口統 計變數,探討其對折價券廣告之影響差異。 研究結果 顯示: (1) 在廣告效果上,高產品涉入配合一般傳統廣告,低產品涉入配合折價 券廣告,會比其他組合提高。而品牌知名度與廣告形態的組合,則無顯著 差異。 (2) 以個人特質而言,性別、經濟能力與 相關背景的不同,與消費者本身對促銷的偏好,或對品牌之偏好也會影響 到消費者對折價券廣告的反應。 (3) 消費 者對廣告主體中之回憶率,視覺訊息高於文字訊息;對折價券而言,文字 訊息回憶率則高於視覺訊息。 因此,產品涉入程度較低的產品,適合使用促銷 ( 折價券 ) 廣告。而在 設計廣告主體或折價券時,建議廣告主體以視覺訊息為焦點,折價券強調 相關促銷文字訊息,若僅針對偏好折價券的潛在消費顧客,發送折價券, 消費者將可正確且有效率的接收相關資訊,作為購買決策之參考,而企業 則可降低不必要的營運成本,同時提高營業績效。 The most serious paradox of marketing is the counteraction between advertising and sales promotion. Advertising establishes a personality or image for a product and builds the loyalty in long-term while sales promotion generates sales in short-term.The best strategy of corporation is to create the psychological environment for the sale with advertising and add the motive to stimulate consumer purchasing with sales promotion. Now,especially in print media,we may find more and more SPADs (Sales Promotion Advertisings) which include consumer promotion and advertising information,such as a coupon or a sweepstake embeded in a dvertisement,a scented sample of perfume inserted in a magazine and so on.But the effect on consumers can not and should not be explained solely by consumer or advertising.So, the objective of our study is to investigate the distinctive effects of this kind of marketing tool. Our experiment subjects are the college students in north Taiwan.We combine three independent variables, type of advertising (coupon advertising, traditional advertising), product involvement (high,low) and brand awareness (high,low) into eight experiment units. And try to fing out the effects of independent variables on dependent variable (advertising communication hierarchy effects ). At the same time, our study includes demographic variables. The result shows: (1)High product involvement with traditional advertising and low product involvement with coupon advertising would be more effective. (2)The personal characteristics, such as gender, financial ability, related background, and preference for the brand or sales promotion, have influences on consumer response to coupon advertising. (3)Overall, consumers are able to recall more visual items in the advertisement, while they could recall more verbal items in the coupon. In a word,when using coupon advertising, we should sincerely consider the type of product, the consumer characteristic and preferences, then we could do the things best.