標題: 我國服務業與製造業行銷組合策略之比較
A Study of Comparison of Marketing Mix Strategies Between Service Firms and Manufacturing Firms in Taiwan
作者: 蕭凱銘
Hsiao, Kai-ming
Tzong-Yau Chu
關鍵字: 服務業;製造業;行銷組合;商品特性;service firms;manufacturing firms;marketing mix;commodity characteristic
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 隨著經濟不斷地發展,都市化程度不斷地加深。服務佔經濟結 構之比例逐年提高,其在經濟體系佔有舉足輕重的地位。近年來, 我國經濟體系中第三級產業服務業的產值,截至民國八十三年已 佔全國國內生產毛額 GDP的59.1﹪,而其就業人口亦達總就業人口之 49.86﹪。由此亦可見,服務業在我國經濟體系中之地位不容忽視。 本質上,傳統的行銷理論主要是植基於製造業實體商品所發展 出 來的,其重點著眼於製造業實體商品在產銷的配合及應用。因 此 ,現有的行銷理論當較能適用於製造業實體商品的行銷;而服務 業 從實體商品行銷經驗所發展的策略經常是不足。此外,到目前為 止 ,服務行銷文獻上大部分的文章都是敘述性質,所處理大部分是 定 義性和概念性的問題。實證方面的研究還很欠缺。因此,由這少 數 的實證研究很難得到服務行銷異於實體商品行 銷的結論。 行銷文獻上最主要的立論為服務性商品相對於製造業實體商品 具 有四項特性--無形性、異質性、易逝性和不可分割性。而不同 商 品特性導致行銷問題的差異性,其解決的行銷組合策略應該有 某 種 程度的差異。 本研究植基於上述的邏輯,以台灣前300大服務業和前500大製造 業 為研究對象,發現生產服務性商品為主的服務業和生產實體商品的 製 造業在某些行銷組合策略和其他策略方面上重視的程度確實存在著顯 著 的差。 關鍵詞:服務業、製造業、行銷組合、商品特性、無形性、異質性、 不可分割性、易逝性{PAGE|I} Until 1994, the GDP ( gross national product ) of service industry accounts for 59.1﹪of total GDP in Taiwan and the employment provided by service sector accounts for 49.86□of total employment in Taiwan. From the data mentioned above, we can see that service industry plays a vital role in modern economy. In essence, the development of traditional marketing theory is mainly based on the manufacturing industry. It mainly serves the function of application for producing and marketing physical goods. Therefore, the traditional marketing theory should be more applicable for marketing physical goods than marketing service. The strategy for service industry developed from the experience of marketing physical goods is inadequate. Besides, empirical studies in the service marketing literature are few. Therefore, through these few empirical studies, we can't make the conclusion that service marketing is different to physical goods marketing. The main propose is that certain unique characteristics of services relative to physical, and different commodity characteristics create some difference of marketing problems. Therefore, we can expect that there will exist some degree of difference to solve those marketing problems between service firms and manufacturing firms. Based upon the logic above, an empirical study of objects of the Top 500 manufacturing and the Top 300 service firms in Taiwan is conducted to ascertain the extent to which marketing mix strategies and other strategies differ between service firms and manufacturing firms. The findings showed that service firms and manufacturing firms differ in the degree of emphasis some options relating to the marketing mix strategies. And there also exists some difference between service firms and manufacturing firms in some options relating to other strategies. Keywords: service firms, manufacturing firms, marketing mix, commodity characteristic, intangibility, heterogeneity, inseparability, perishability {PAGE|III}