標題: 銷貨成長率,股票報酬率,投資報酬率與資本結構之相關性研究-以股市邁入千點為實證對象
Study on the sales growth ,stock return ,ROI and Capital structure-two different regines divided by the Taiwan secuity index 1000
作者: 謝齊莊
Hsieh, Chi-Chuang
王克陸, 王淑芬
Kehluh Wang, Sue-fung Wang
關鍵字: 資本結構;股市邁入千點;股票報酬率;銷貨成長率;投資報酬率;公司績效;capital structure;Taiwan Security Market Index 1000;stock return;sales growth;ROI;corporate performance
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 本論文主要是在研究關於台灣加權股價指邁入千點前後期,銷貨成長率, 股票報酬率,投資報酬率與資本結構的關係有何變化。本研究以千點前後 期,千點前後及績效好壞,千點前後與產業別三階段加以區分,結果發現:1. 三主要指標與資本結構之關係,在加權股價指數邁入千點前後期有顯著的 區別。2.千點前後績效不佳的公司在處理績效不佳時作法不同,千點前會 傾向以舉債來度過危機,千點後則不顯著。3.千點前後產業別不同則三主 要指標與資本結構的關係會有所轉變。 This study is trying to find the relationship among the sales growth,ROI,stock return and capital structure in two different regines divided by theTaiwan stock market index 1000.Regression analysis is employed in the different aspects:1.only divided by the market index.2.divided by the corporate performance.3. divided by the industry classification in each regines. The results exhibit the significantly different charateristic betwwentwo regines.