Title: 含矽氧烷液晶化合物之合成
Synthesis of Siloxane-containing Liquid Crystals
Authors: 呂嘉興
Lv, Jia-Xing
Xu, Qian-Shu
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: The goal of this reserach is to synthesize some new siloxane-containing
nematic liquid crystals and ferroelectic liquid crystals. The effects of
different siloxane moieties, spacer length and mesogenic group on the
mesomorphic properties of the liquid crystals were studied. Spontaneous
polarization of some ferroelectric liquid crystals was also examined.
In this study, pentamethydisiloxane and heptamethyltrisiloxane were reacted
with olefinic precursors via hydrosilylation reaction using platium
divinylteramethyldisiloxane complex as a catalyst to yield six series of
new siloxane-containing liquid crystals. In the first series of obtained
compounds, most of siloxane-containing liquid crystals present a smectic
phase, while the corresponding olefinic precursors display a nematic phase.
The obtaind compounds also have a tendency to show a lower phase transition
temperature and a higher-ordered mesophase, i. e., smectic phase comparing
to their precursors. The second and third series of siloxane-containing
compounds exhibit a nematic phase as we expected.
Three series of siloxane-containing ferroelectric liquid crystals were also
prepared. They all contained a (2S, 3S)-2-chloro-3-methyl-valverate chiral
group. The fifth serires of siloxane-containing compounds exhibit smectic A
and smectic B phases, while the others reveal the chiral smectic C phase
besides the smectic A phase. Several siloxane-containing compounds also
show a chiral smectic C phase which covers the room temperature range. The
obtained compounds indeed show boarder mesophase temperature ranges and
lower Sc* transition temperatures than their precursor. In our study, most
of obtained ferroelctric liquid crystals posess rather high spontaneous
polarization (Ps) value, which have the potential applications in
ferroelectric liquid crytal display.
Appears in Collections:Thesis