標題: 高強度混凝土在被動束制下之行為研究
Behaviour of High-Strength Concrete under Passive Confined Stress
作者: 陳瑞益
Chen, Ruey-I
關鍵字: 被動束制;高強度混凝土
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 圍束可以提升混凝土的強度及韌性,圍束的方法大至可分為主動束制與被動束制,在實際 使用上多採被動束制,被動束制的方法有以箍筋、螺筋或鋼管等圍束。本文主要探討高強 度混凝土受鋼管被動束制下之行為,研究的方法是使各種強度的高強度混凝土承受不同厚 度的鋼管圍束,以產生不同的圍束力,分別進行固定速率載重加壓及反覆載重加壓等,在 實驗過程並量測鋼管的橫向變行,用以了解鋼管圍束的行為。實驗結果的討論包括鋼管的 圍束行為、圍束下的應力-應變曲線、圍束與極限強度的關析、圍束與殘餘強度的關係、 反覆荷重下的行為、 破壞情形□央A並提供鋼管圍束與極限強度及殘餘強度的經驗公式。 The confinement increases the compressive strength and ductility of concrete. It has two kinds of method one is active confinement and the other i s passive confinement. In practice, passive confinement often used to confined concrete. It often used by tied, spiral and steel tube.The objectiveof this th esis is to study the behavior of confined high-strength concrete ina steel tub e. The research has different strength of high-strength concrete under steel t ube of varying thickness. That concrete confined with steel tube of varying th ickness investigate the behavior of standard compressive strength test and cyc licloading test. In proceeding of this test, we measure the transverse strain of steel tube to realize the confined behavior.This paper makes adiscussionab out confined behavior of steel tube, full stress-strain curve, maximumstrength , residual strength, cyclic behavior and failure behavior. At the last, the th esis offers the maximum strength and residual strength formulasfor confined co ncrete.
Appears in Collections:Thesis