Title: 卡門率波應用於水準點位變動分析之研究
A Study on the Analysis of the Deformations of the Benchmarks Using kalman Filtering
Authors: 王德勝
Wang, Te Sheng
Chun Sung Chen
Keywords: 卡門濾波;Kalman Filtering
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 經由監測水準點之變動可得知該點位之高程變化,進而獲悉該點位之地層垂直變動情形。
The information about the vertical movements of the ground layers can be obtai
ned by monitoring the vertical movements of the benchmarks . The status of the
ground layers' vertical movements is one of the most important factors for en
gineering safety . So it is necessary to analyze the movements of the ground l
ayers . The methods for analyzing the vertical movements of the ground layers
can be categorized into two divisions : "static analysis" and "kinematic analy
sis" . In the kinematic analysis , the current heights of the benchmarks are c
onsidered as the function of the velocity , the acceleration , and time , so t
hey are possible to be predicted by the previous measurements . A method appl
ied to analyze the vertical movements , called Kalman Filtering , is presented
in this article . The process of the Kalman Filtering Algorithm is derived .
The parameters of the models used in the prediction of the movements are assig
ned . Beside , a case study on the implementation of this method is for refere
nce .The results indicate that the movements of the ground layers are possible
to be predicted by using Kalman Filtering Algorithm integrating the reasonab
le models .
Appears in Collections:Thesis