標題: 電子程序書的資料呈現結構對系統錯誤處理績效的影響
The Effect of Information Presentation Structure of Computer- Based Procedure on Fault Management
作者: 蕭景文
Hsiao, Ching-Wen
Shang H. Hsu
關鍵字: 資料呈現結構;超文件;作業複雜度;核能電廠操作程序書;information presentation;Hypertext;task complexity;nuclear operating Procedures
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 提供設計良好的操作程序書,是減少複雜系統人為疏失的有效方法。然而 目前所使用以紙張為媒體的操作程序書並不適用於複雜系統操作人員使用 ,以致於操作人員常常因為程序書的設計不當導致意外事故的發生。目前 的趨勢是以電子程序書取代傳統紙張的操作程序;然而電子程序書的呈現 結構會直接的影響到系統操作人員錯誤處理的績效。因此,本研究探討線 性式、階層式及網路式三種資訊呈現結構對操作人員進行不同作業複雜度 的錯誤處理作業績效影響。在本研究中以核能電廠操作程序書作為實驗材 料;以大學生與研究生為受試者共45名,隨機分派到3(資訊顯示結構;線性 式、階層式、網路式)×3(作業複雜度:高複雜度、中複雜度、低複雜度) 的二因子混合實驗設計中,其中作業複雜度為受試者內的變項,在本實驗中 要求受試者利用所提供的介面處理不同複雜度的錯誤狀況。根據變異數分 析發現在錯誤處理時間時間上交互作用達顯著效果,這個結果支持使用階 層式資訊呈現結構的受試者在複雜的作業下具有較好的作業績效;而網路 式結構的受試者在複雜的作業下作業績效較差。回憶量的變異數分析結果 顯示在資訊顯示結構有主要效果,受試者在階層式結構中回憶量明顯的高 於其他兩種顯示結構。由於介面特性的不同,在偏離最佳路徑上,本研究只 比較網路式結構與階層式結構,結果指出在網路式結構中的偏離最佳路徑 的程度明顯的高於階層式結構,這表示了受試者在網路式結構中面臨到較 嚴重的*迷向*的現象。 With the advance of technology, systems become larger and more complicated. Consequently, the operator workload resulted from system malfunction usually exceeds the level that operators can handle. To reduce the workload, emergency operating procedures are provided as an aid to operators in dealing with emergency situations. As a result, the usability of emergency operating procedures plays a critical role in determining the effectiveness of fault management performance.Conventional paper-based procedure has been found to have many usability problems. These problems were due to the constraints imposed by paper-type medium. Therefore, computer-based procedure has been developed to overcome these problems. Unfortunately, computer- based procedure has caused other types of problems. One of the notable problems is navigational disorientation. The purpose of this study is to compare the relative effectiveness of three information presentation structures; namely, linear, hierarch and network, on fault management tasks. It was found that hierarchical structure was the best in terms of less navigational disorientation and better recovery from path deviation. The results provide a basis for the design of computer-based procedures.