標題: 以空間填充曲線估算電腦3D模型構建工時之研究
Time Estimation of Constructing 3D Solids based on Space-Filling Curves
作者: 洪永祥
Hung, Yong-Hsiang
Muh-Cherng Wu
關鍵字: 構建工時;造型複雜度;空間充填曲線;樣板;Construction Time;Space-Filling Curves;Template
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 摘 要近年來多媒體(Multimedia)應用領域日趨廣泛,由於多媒體產品已 漸漸邁入成熟階段。但是相關的專業領域分歧,因此多媒體產品的計價一 直很難估算。目前而言多媒體素材外包委製的合作型態已漸成趨勢。但是 多媒體廠商間之議價方式卻仍由製作商決定,對買方而言很難由產品中研 判出合理的製作成本。因此本文擬針對多媒體動畫中的3D造型之構建工時 提出一套系統化方法的估算模式。文中從多媒體產品中將製作好的3D造型 ,轉換成指令的複雜度,再經由空間充填曲線(Space-Filling Curves; SFC)的對應,找出造型、組合複雜度接近的樣板(Template)資料,以估算 出合理的製作工時。 ABSTRACTThe techniques of developing multimedia are widely used in the last few year.The development of a multimedia involves multiple disciplines, and it is veryhard to evaluate the cost of developing a multimedia product, especially thecost of creating 3D solids.In this paper we propose a systematic approach, based on Space-Filling Curves,to estimate the time of creating 3D solid models in developing a multimedia.We calculate the operations that required to create and assembly a 3D solidmodel. By the use of Space-Filling Curves, we can find the template solidswhich are mostly alike and reference it's construction time to estimatethe construction time of a particular 3D solid model.