Title: DNA超螺旋結構影響大腸桿菌延胡索酸酵素基因表現之研究
Effect of DNA Supercoiling on the Expression of Fumarase Geneses in Escherichia coli
Authors: 尤惠君
Yu, Hui-Chun
Ching-Ping Tseng
Keywords: 延胡索酸酵素;超螺旋結構;Fumarase;Supercoiling
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 延胡索酸酵素 (fumarase) 為三羧酸循環 (tricaboxylic acid cycle,
TCA cycle) 中重要之酵素,其作用為催化延胡索酸 (fumarate) 與蘋果
酸 (malate) 之間的轉換。大腸桿菌 (Escherichia coli) 含有三種能產
生延胡索酸酵素的基因,分別命名為 fumA,fumB 及 fumC。就酵素的生
化特異性而言,fumA 與 fumB 基因所產生的 fumarase (FumA, FumB) 為
熱不安定性 (heat labile) 酵素,其蛋白質含有鐵硫活性中心。而 fumC
的基因產物 (FumC) 則為熱安定 (heat stable) 酵素,其酵素活性反應
無需鐵離子參與。ArcA-ArcB 與 Fnr 為目前已知大腸桿菌體內兩組重要
Fnr 及 ArcA-ArcB 所調控。雖然 Fnr 及 ArcA-ArcB 在無氧環境下可調
控這些延胡索酸酵素的基因表現 ,但在無氧及有氧環境下這些延胡索酸
酵素基因之表現於△fnr 及△arcA 突變株中仍有差距存在,由此可知除
Fnr 及 ArcA 外尚有其它因子也參與延胡索酸酵素基因表現的調控。因為
不同含氧環境已證實會改變 DNA 超螺旋結構,所以我們認為 DNA 超螺旋
gyrase 抑制劑,及構築 topoisomerase I 與 gyrase B subunit 的突變
株,分別使菌體內 DNA 超螺旋結構變得鬆散與捲緊,以觀察延胡索酸基
因在 in vivo 中受其調控及表現。結果發現這三種延胡索酸酵素基因均
會受 DNA 超螺旋結構改變之影響,且在有氧環境下所受到的影響都較無
氧環境下明顯。由△fnr 突變株、△arcA突變株與△fnr 及 △arcA 雙重
突變株中可發現,fumA 及 fumB 受到 DNA 超螺旋結構的調控與 Fnr 及
ArcA 存在有關,而 fumC 則在構築 topA10 突變造成 DNA 超螺旋結構轉
緊時對 fumC-lacZ 基因的表現較明顯。從本研究中發現,DNA 超螺旋結
構在 in vivo 中受其調控及表現。結果發現這三種延胡索酸酵素基因均
會受 DNA 超螺旋結構改變之影響,且在有氧環境下所受到的影響都較無
氧環境下明顯。由△fnr 突變株、△arcA 突變株與△及 △arcA 雙重突
變株中可發現,fumA 及 fumB 受到 DNA 超螺旋結構的調控與 Fnr 及
ArcA 存在有關,而 fumC 則在構築 topA10 突變造成 DNA 超螺旋結構轉
緊時對 fumC-lacZ 基因的表現較明顯。從本研究中發現,DNA 超螺旋結
構在 in vivo 中確實是除了 Fnr 及 ArcA 外,會影響延胡索酸酵素基因
表現的另一調控因子,但是其調控也會受到 Fnr 及 ArcA 的影響。
Fumarase , one of the tricarboxylic acid cycle enzymes,
catalyzes the interconversion of fumarate and L-malate. Three
biochemically distinct fumarase have been reported in E.coli.
While the fumA and fumB genes encode heat-labile , iron-
containing fumarases , the fumC gene product is a heat-stable
fumarase which does not reguire iron for its activity. Although
three fumarase genes are regulated by Fnr and ArcA proteins ,
there still has some induction or repression during anaerobic
cell growth in fnr and ArcA proteins , there still has some
induction or repression during anaerobic cell growth in fnr and
arcA double mutant. Hence Fnr and ArcA might not be the only
reguirement for the anaerobic regulators of fumarase genes. A
topological state of the bacterial chromosome is important for
transcription , replication and recombination. To determine how
the fumA , fumB and fumC genes are regulated in response to a
variety of DNA supercoiling , inhibitors of gyrase and
topoisomerase mutation were induced into cells and examined. The
results indicated that the effect of supercoiling on expression
of three fumarase genes were more conspicious when cells were
grown under aerobic conditions. The existance of Fnr and ArcA
would affect the effect of varied DNA supercoiling structures on
fumA and fumB genes expression , while topA10 mutant caused an
increasement of fumC-lacZ expression. Therefore , the change of
DNA supercoiling structure will affect the expression of three
fumarase genes , and this control is part of mediated by Fnr and
ArcA regulators.
Appears in Collections:Thesis