Title: 公有路外停車場興建順位決策模式之研究
A Decision Model for Ranking the Construction Priority of Public Off-Street Parking Lots
Authors: 陳元彬
Chen, Yuan-Bing
Cherng-Chwan Hwang
Keywords: 路外停車場;興建順位;決策模式;層級分析法;德爾菲法;簡單加權法;off-street parking;ranking;priority;AHP;Delphi;SAW
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 國內隨著所得及生活水準之提昇,小汽車持有比率近年來急遽增加
並輔以相關策略, 方能收標本兼治之效。 然路外停車場建設所費不
機。 本研究以臺北市正計畫興建之20處公有停車場基地為例,從交通
In recent years, the vehicles ownership has dramatically
increased in Taiwan,with the growth in income and the upgrade of
living standard. In addition to causing more and more traffic
congestion in the urban district,parking problemkeep annoying
various levels of government administrations.At the present
time, due to the significant differences between suppliesand
demands of parking lots in the urban area, the most effective
solutionis to build more off-street parking lots, supplemented
by related managementstrategies. However, in view of expensive
construction cost of off-street parking facilities and the
limitedavailable resource, this research is aimed to develop an
objective, thorough, and easy-to-use model which can be provided
to the administration as a tool to rank the priority of proposed
sites of parking facility, and to prepare yearly construction
program for practical implementation. Related data of 20 public
parking lots which are being planned to beconstructed in Taipei
are collected to be used in this study. Five aspectsof objects
including : transportation, society, policy, environment,
andoperation are consider in the model, in which 12 factors are
selected asperformance measures. The factor analysis method is
firstly used to checkthe independence of those factors, and then
AHP and Delphi method are integrated together and applied to
find out the weights of each measure ofperformance. Finally, SAW
is adopted to rank the construction priority ofeach proposed
site. Based on the priority, yearly construction programs
arethen scheduled.
Appears in Collections:Thesis